Monday, April 16, 2007

A Death

The little baby Guinea Pig died this morning. It seems a shame that it died without even a name, so I'm going to refer to him as Nelson; for no better reason than he spent a large part of his brief life using only one eye. Both Lorii and Katie tried spoon feeding Nelson through Sunday, but he was just too week to suckle from his mom. It was inevitable really, and I'm now left wondering if I should have ended his life earlier and saved him suffering.

On a brighter note the remaining four are doing great, as is mum. All the guinea pigs have developed a strong Pavlovian reflex to the sound of a rustling plastic bag. Woe be-tied the person who rustles and does not feed them; the reward is a barrage of wheeps that hurt the ears!

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Lorii has always been the sort make sure all the tins in the cupboard face the same way. Come to that she'll constantly rearrange the contents of the supermarket shopping trolly too. Which brings me to the new light fitting I've just installed in the front room. It's an OCD sufferers nightmare. It basically is a number of halogen bulbs on the ends of long thin, but flexible, bits of wire. Getting each wire curving the same as the others and to make the whole thing symmetrical is going to drive Lorii crazy.

One of the five baby guinea pigs was a runt. This small pathetic thing is melting the kids hearts, but I don't think it is going to make it. Pretty sad really. I've even tried helping it to suckle from it's mother without the rest of the litter. But as the rest go from strength to strength it just keeps getting weaker. Pretty sad really; but that's life.

I'm dreading going back to work tomorrow. The volume of work coming in has been more than our department can cope with for some time now. As I've taken on more orders my ability to move on to new orders is hampered by clients who see me as an opportunity to redesign the finished artwork they were supposed to be supplying for print. Ultimately it is not my fault but managements; all I can do is wade through the work assigned to me. But nobody likes to be a part of something that is breaking down.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Izzy had her second litter today. Five baby guinea pigs this time, all as cute as you like. Spunky was removed from the cage beforehand this time, so there will be a chance now for Izzy to rest.

Work is absolutely manic. I'm working fifteen hour days with no end in site. One of my fellow artist gave her notice recently, and another is on holiday. When the one on holiday returns another leaves for theirs... Still the money is nice but both Lorii and I are so tired.

Lorii goes for her follow-up CT scan tomorrow; to check the nodule really is nothing as the doctors suspect. Watch this space for news.

Monday, April 09, 2007


Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder.
I was looking at the title page on Katie's comic and thought I'd share with you the original image. Back when Katie was finding it difficult to complete any work (She just had to keep changing or amending things.) I gave Katie a 'get out clause' for when she was grounded. If ever she was grounded she could end the grounding by handing in an original and completed work of art. The picture on the right is the result of one such episode.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Aspects of Reality

Katie wrote a comic! Actually Katie is in the process of writing a Graphic Novel and has placed the first pages on the web. I'm impressed, but then I'm biased, as I'm her Dad. So take a look at Aspects of Reality. I've also put a link on the right, so once this post is old news, you can still find her site. But I'm guessing a lot of you will be bookmarking her Novel so you can go straight to it.

Katie has been doing well at school and we had a "Parents Evening" recently. Luckily Katie does not put us through the trauma I subjected my parents to. In fact I'm still glowing from the praise awarded Katie by her English teacher; "Katies' course work will get het an A* for her GCSE. If we were to take the same work to College it would receive, a Grade A, A-level. IF we then took her work to University it would get her a First." When Katie heard that her head swelled so large she banged it getting into the car going home!