Thursday, March 23, 2006


Originally uploaded by Wyrd.
This is picture was not taken by me. But I'm linking to it in the hope my Mother may recognise it as the bird sat outside her back garden!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I may have spelt the title incorrectly. Ho Hum. Well Lorii went to the doctors again today. Mostly for a check up on her diabetes rather than the still ongoing PID. She now has to take metformin regularly rather than on those occasions when her sugar levels go too high. As this drug gives Lorii bad stomach pains she is none too thrilled. However, it may help her control her weight, which has crept up a bit just recently. She is also in the near future going to get free membership of a gym, to help her control her sugar levels too. So it is not all bad news.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Rockin snowman

Rockin snowman
Originally uploaded by Kaiyki.
As promised a picture of Jake's snowman!


I just talked to my parents in Somerset for free! Oh, the power of the internet. Phone companies beware. The end is nigh!

On other matters; The kids did indeed have lots of fun in the snow. Jake made a very unusual snowman, it has straws for hair and knife and fork arms. I'll post a picture when I can.

Kate is in her second week of work experience. She spent the first in a funeral home. She found the whole thing fascinating, and true to form was not fazed in the least by the recently departed. This week she has been placed in the Marketing department of my own employers. She seems to have been let loose in Photoshop and is having a wonderful time producing all sorts of art.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder.
Sorry it has been so long with an update but life insists on continuing in its present interesting vein. It’s funny that when your life is full, or at least busy, you rarely have time to document it. Yet if you have done nothing, you have nothing to write about.

Lorii’s condition persists. The antibiotics are fighting a holding action at best. She went to a clinic during the week to have the coil, which is being blamed for the PID, removed. That was a very strange visit. The place seemed to be staffed exclusively by members of the Women’s Institute. Or, at least, a lot of women of a certain age, all wearing unsuitable trousers. On taking Lorii’s medical history (A very sad sob story) she was offered counselling, which she did not want. Only to be asked immediately after what method of birth control would she be using once the coil was removed? Umm, we will be using the enforced effects of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, you insensitive idiot. Can we have some counselling for the distress that comment caused please?

The days after the coil’s removal have been very uncomfortable for Lorii. The latest course of antibiotics are making her very nauseous and suppressing her appetite. The knock on of that is that Lorii is very tired and feeling pretty low. Still, I am sure that this infection will be sorted eventually; it may just be that Lorii’s diabetes is hindering things, and that with plenty of rest she will recover.

On a lighter note we have replaced the hideous carpet in the front room. Lorii’s parents bought a new one for their place and donated their old one. It was a struggle to fit as most of the furniture is too large to remove without dismantling the doorframe. But with Katie’s help I got the old one out, and the new one in.

As I type this there is a blizzard raging outside! Well okay it’s snowing a bit. There should be a picture to accompany this entry. It is certainly the most snowfall we have experienced since we have moved to Blackpool, and quite unusual if the locals are to be believed. When the kids wake up they will be delighted. Snowball fights are on the cards!