Monday, March 08, 2010

Recent Events

Under the Bridge
Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder
So this is the easiest way to catch up with everyone.

On the 1st of February Lorii woke up feeling dizzy. The dizziness made Lorii feel nauseous so she had trouble keeping her pain meds down. Thinking she had caught the Noro Virus that was in the news, Lorii decided to tough it out. However by Friday Lorii was in such bad shape I called an ambulance. The A&E doc thought the dizziness was down to her brain and was uber concerned. Lorii was sent up to the CDU ward where the docs could decide what to do with her. The docs dismissed the brain injury idea and concluded her ears were up the duff. They discharged her on the Monday after a weekend on a drip to rehydrate her with some antiemetics and an appointment at a clinic in two weeks.

By the next Friday (The 12th) Lorii was as bad if not worse than the last time. I again called an ambulance. These guys could see her distress was very real and gave her some morphine before they took her in. We saw the same A&E doc who through a fit over the phone that her previous diagnosis had been over ruled. She was again admitted, but this time the stay was much longer.

Test were done and Lorii was told her carotid arteries were badly blocked and full of dangerous clots. New drugs were administered and Lorii was told to stop smoking, "…or something terrible would happen!" Then a specialist said her arteries were not so bad to need a operation and a MRI was done. The MRI showed demyelising had occurred to her brain. The docs start to prepare us for a diagnosis of MS. Then a neurologist quashes this but orders a lumbar puncture to confirm it one way or another. Lorii is then discharged before the results are in.

So here we are at home. We're now waiting on our GP to come back with the results. Lorii is still dizzy, and can barely walk. If it's not MS then she's suffered a number of mini strokes. Oh and the recession finally bit and I've been laid off. But given the last month I just don't care.