Sunday, February 25, 2007

Unreal 2007

For those of you who do not play Unreal Tournament the following trailer will probably not get get you excited. I on the other hand just want to find out the answer to three simple questions. When is this being released? Will my Mac run it? How much?

Lorii's Funky Miscellanea II

Well I have now sorted the RSS feed to Lorii's shop. You'll now find the three latest additions to her shop on the right, just under the links section and above the RSS feed to my mothers blog. Expect a wide variety of products here; from sea shells to make necklaces from, to Chinese figurines, to locking steel collars for the large fetish market that seems to populate Ebay. The last there being my own hand crafted attempt to add value to simple materials and help swell the coffers, aside from the nine to five effort that is. So any Masters or Mistresses out there that are looking for something new or original to lock about their slave or submissives' throat would be advised to take a gander.
Anyway, keep an eye on it. The items listed there do not show up on normal searches within ebay, so there is the opportunity to find an obscure bargain missed by the general populace of Ebay.

Lorii's Funky Miscellanea

Lorii has opened an Ebay shop! There is a link on the right, and once I can work out the gremlins I'll put a RSS feed up too. My first attempts at metalwork are now up for sale; So if you'd like a Steel Rope choker you now know where to go...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Top Gear

Okay, this is not really a blog entry in the typical sense. Last Sunday I watched one of the best bits of telly I have seen to date. It was not as important as the Berlin wall coming down. Nor was it as shattering as the WTT attack. But despite the fact that it was only a light entertainment show, Top Gear did something special. I should add that I have seen a real shuttle launch in person, and I fully expect YouTube to take this clip down when they find it. This will put a smile on your face...

I've since come across this launch by the same guys;

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dr Dippy and the Needle of Doom

Yesterday was the day Lorii had her injection to simulate a hysterectomy.
Just getting to this point had been a small battle with our surgery; Doctors had tried to withdraw Lorii's pain medicine, refused to refer her to specialists and denied her repeat prescriptions. After finally undergoing an exploratory operation a Gynaecological Surgeon diagnosed Lorii with Endometriosis with a possible side order of Fibromyalgia. Acknowledging that Lorii was in great pain the surgeon had actually cut nerves to the worst affected areas inside her. Then once Lorii had recovered from the surgery the possibility of a hysterectomy as a long term cure was suggested. However as this is a big step from which there would be no going back it was recommended that the hysterectomy was simulated chemically first to see if this would indeed cure Lorii's Endo. The surgeon also said she would write to Lorii's surgery to recommend stronger pain meds and suggest a referral to see a specialist on Fibromyalgia.
So we wait the week the surgeon told us the letter would take and make an appointment to see a doctor at Lorii's surgery. To find the letter has not arrived and the Doctor, without the word of the surgeon, wants to interfere with Lorii's meds. We were lucky to get out of there with a repeat of what Lorii was already on, let alone any increase to combat Lorii's increasing tolerance to their effect.
Anyway, we were told Lorii would now be called in when the magical letter arrived. Which brings us to Lorii's meeting with Dr Dippy and the Needle of Doom.
The only female doctor the surgery could provide was a locum, which did not bother Lorii too much as her past record with the regular doctors was not too hot. On being called in we were met by a little old lady who must have been near the end of her career. I'll not post her name on the web just in case this farce degenerates to the point where it gets all legal and formal. Anyway the doctor seems unable to operate the computer and is unable to retrieve the letter from the surgeon. We insist it exists as it is the reason Lorii is there. After much pressing of the mouse and the opening and repeated closing of windows that contain no letter the doctor resorts to a book to find the dose of the drug that will simulate the removal of Lorii's womb. Once that is sorted we press her for the opiate based patches the surgeon had recommended. Without the letter though the doctor refuses saying, "Those are only for people in real pain." My blood boils. The pain that has been reducing Lorii to a weeping insomniac who convulses on the bed in agony was not real? The constant agonising pain the surgeon cut nerves to try and stop was imaginary? I tried to calmly point out that the large cocktail of tramadol, codine, paracetamol and ibuprofen that Lorii was on was losing its effectiveness and that something equally or more powerful needed to be explored. The doctor stuck to her guns and refused the patches. She did issue Lorii with repeats of her current medications though; something she technically should not have done as Lorii was not officially due a repeat at that time. More evidence that the doctor was was not in complete control of the computer on her desk. I understand what a locum doctor is. My faith in her medical expertise would not have been shaken if she had cursed the software and called for assistance in retrieving the patients records and details. The fact that she bluffed and lied led me to the quick decision that this woman was blagging the whole show and we were better of out of there. Lorii made a half hearted request for the Fibromyalgia referral, but this went the way of the patches; over the hill with it's backside on fire. We left with Lorii even more disillusioned with the medical fraternity and a fistful of prescriptions some of which I was not sure were correct. We went straight to the surgery's reception to book an appointment with a nurse to administer the chemical hysterectomy. While we were there we asked the receptionist if the surgeons letter was indeed on the system. I swear that receptionist had it up on screen in less than five seconds! She read it out to us! Everything the surgeon had promised was in there. Arrrgh! We ask if we can see another doctor straight away to be informed there are no appointments available until Thursday.
We decide to go fill the prescriptions, a bird in the hand if you like, and have a word with the nurse before the injection is carried out. The pharmacist does not hold the hysterectomy drug in stock so we have to come back later that day, it turns out this drug is very expensive and only ordered when needed.
The nurse is fantastic. We explain what has gone on earlier that day and she takes Lorii's medicine off to one of her regular doctors to check it is the right stuff. Once it is confirmed as correct she breaks it out, Lorii is on her back and not looking at this point, the needle is huge! I hold Lorii's hand as the injection is administered, it is over quickly, and while it obviously hurt her Lorii feels it is not as bad as she was fearing. The nurse then makes Lorii an appointment to see another doctor on Thursday to straighten out the farce of Locum. Hopefully if the analgesics are sorted and the implant works the next six months should see Lorii steadily improving. Watch this space for more news....

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Climbing II

Well as Friday was Jacob's birthday I took him down to Liverpool with me to go climbing once again. Jacob did really well, though he was a bit nervous about abseiling back down at first. Richard kept pushing me; first into climbing an easy route without putting my feet on the holds, then he set me to climbing the pinnacle. This is a 12 meter (40 feet) tower and the path Richard set me has an overhang half way up. I found this really challenging both for my confidence but also my low level of strength, stamina and fitness. However I did make it up and was chuffed with myself for the rest of the day. Below is a brief clip of me climbing the Pinnacle, though it does not follow me to the top, as Jake ran out of memory on his camera.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Nursing Mum

Nursing Mum
Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder.
Well Izzy and Spunky are proving to be excellent parents. All four babies are doing well. We are not definite about their names yet as we still don't know their sexes. But provisional names are Badger, Spot Camo and Ginger. Badgers name is obvious even if the dog is called Badger too. As well as having a badgers face Badger is the most assertive of the litter, always pestering Mum for a feed or bossing his brothers or sisters. Camo is the runt as well as having the most unusual ginger and grey markings. Dot is black with a white tummy and a white dot on the nape of her neck. Ginger is. Just like Dad.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Still Sea

Still Sea.
Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder.
Jake and I went and took some pictures of the setting sun this afternoon. The air was so clear you could see the Lake District. The sea was unusually calm too, and the air already had a nip to it. The weather men are forecasting temperatures of around -7ÂșC. Which may not be much for some but it is pretty cool for temperate Old Blighty.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder.
This is Camo. Camo is just a few hours old here having been born between 11.00pm on the 3rd of February and Midday on the 4th. Camo has three healthy brothers or sisters and mum is doing fine too. I'll post pictures of the rest of the litter as opportunity allows.

Gosh! Who knew?

Gosh! Who knew?
Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder.
As you may be aware from a brief scan of this Blog I post my pictures on Flickr. On Flickr there is a feature where you can explore the best and most interesting pictures uploaded in the last seven days. Since this was started I have yearned to have my pictures included on this page. To have my pictures listed there would be some kind of validation from my peers that I can take a half decent photograph. Petty and vain I know, but I am only human and everybody craves a pat on the head from time to time.
So imagine my surprise when I discover today that I have already achieved this goal. Not just once, but nine times!
Bathe in my smugness you mere mortals! For I am a Photography God! Mwah ha ha ha.
Actually I'm a bit lucky as one of those pictures was taken by a satellite in space!