Sunday, October 04, 2009

Back To The Balloon Fiesta!

This is Mike Jones picture I mentioned below. If you are a Flickr member please visit this picture and fave it. };))


Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder
There is a professional photographer on Flickr called Mike Jones. He travels around America in a campervan taking pictures of stunning beauty for a postcard company. A bit of a dream job really. Aside from the utterly stunning (stonking even) pictures in his photostream the banter from his fans and himself always make it worth a visit. Last night he posted a request for fav's (It's a Flickr thing) on a beautiful picture of a balloon launch he took some time ago. It was a joke thing to beat a friend of his who had 800 fav's on one of his pictures and was teasing Mike with it. When I helpfully added my fav He had collected 16030 already! As Mike had promised all who gave him a fav a picture of a dollar I added a comment that I'd give home extra time to send me my dollar, given the large number of fav's collected. Imagine then my surprise to awake today to find a fav from Mike Jones on one of my pictures with a comment too plus a picture of a dollar. Poor Mike must have struggled to find a picture to fave as the start of my photostream is full of pictures of Katie dressed in latex and corsets modeling collars! But he tacked it on this one which was sitting on the bottom of the page. Thank you Mr Jones; a true man of his word.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I'm on holiday from work at the moment. Only trouble us there us so much to do I'm not having a very relaxing time. On Friday the whole family went down to the front to see some fireworks. Lorii used her wheelchair and while her dad, George, gave us a lift down to Gynn Square, Jake and I pushed her all the way home up the hill. We then went out for a steak meal. Everyone stuffed themselves and I even discovered what beer tastes like again!

Yesterday I took Katie and Lorii down to Ikea. We spent the whole day there! Spent far too much but we got a lot for our money. Though that said Ikea does seem to have become very expensive all of a sudden.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder
So I got an email this morning, on Flickr, warning me that it against the (flickr) rules to post pictures for commercial purposes. So I've just dutifully removed all the links I put in the comments back to Wyred Slave. The truth is that the pictures of Katie I have recently posted were taken for a planned update of the website. But I was dead chuffed at how well they had turned out, and wanted to... Well I supose the honest thing to say here is show off! I mean, hell, Katie looks so God damned good. She has a talent for sitting in front of a camera and looking beautiful! Ironically the whole performace leaves her cold, so there is little chance if a career in modeling. Still, at least Katie got to find that out early on. So the pictures posted on Flickr are just the tip of the iceberg. I've loads more, and once the update goes live, you'll be able to see them all there.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sleep deprived but happy....

Well the neighbours over the road decided to take the caravan on their drive apart this morning; using small boys armed with tomahawks and hammers! Now I'm all for the wanton destruction of these vile things, but feel either the Brainiac or Top Gear aproach is better; i.e. explosives or high speed impact with something huge and hard. Hammers and tomahawks (really!) just take too long and, importantly, make a lot of noise. Only the fact that they were armed to the teeth stopped me from delivering a large piece of my mind in a forceful way. Four hour sleep to be awoken by caravan is not funny.

On a happier note Katie got her A level results this morning too. An A for Graphic Design, an A for Art, a B for English and an E for Maths. This is fantastic! Good enough for a scholarship from the University these grades have secured her place at. So right now I am really, really happy.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Arrows Smoke

Arrows Smoke
Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder
Well I know I bitch about this town (Blackpool) a fair bit. But I have to admit there are a few nice things about living in this town. One is that I get to take pictures like these from my attic window. :)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Collared Slave

Collared Slave
Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder
Well we're planning an update of the website for Wyred Slave some time soonish. So with that in mind, and as Katie volunteered, we've been doing a few test shots. Katie is modelling a prototype removable o-ring that quite a few customers have been asking for.

The main thing that has struck me about this and all the other pictures is just how great Katie looks. I know I'm biased but she looks really, really beautiful.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Look into my eyes...

Are you looking at me?
Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder
Well whilst cats may do it naturally I have just qualified as a hypnotieraist! I can now actually put letters after my name! Obviously having learnt this new skill I an busy practicing on all willing members of friends and family. Which may explain why everyone is sudenly so docile and keen to please! };o))

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Well I finally find time to make another entry into a very underused blog. Lots has happened, but the biggest news is that next week I attend a course to become qualified in hypnotherapy. Obviously the main aim is to help Lorii with her pain, though the course boasts that I will be able to set up as a business at the end; so the uses could be myriad. If all goes well and I find the time I'll keep you posted....

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder
Well Katie has been provisionally accepted to her University of choice. Provisionally on the basis she gets the A level results they require. Though as the college are predicting she will get much better than the Uni are asking it looks like my baby girl is off to Uni next year. Tempus Fugit! Seems like yesterday she was asking me to adjust the saddle on her new bike!

Friday, January 09, 2009

Thursday, January 01, 2009

One Armed Paper Hanger

That's me! First sorry for such a wait between posts. To be honest I'm not sure if things are going to improve. Life has become super busy, and I just don't have spare time to write about it. Mostly it is for the good; Wyred Slave has really taken off, so I spend many waking hours making collars for folks now. Also Lorii's ebay shop has taken off ,so she is equally if not more busy than me. The result is there is barely time to do house work or feed ourselves!

So happy Christmas everyone! Happy New Year too. I hope 2009 is a better year than the last and I'll write again when I can.