Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder
Well Katie has been provisionally accepted to her University of choice. Provisionally on the basis she gets the A level results they require. Though as the college are predicting she will get much better than the Uni are asking it looks like my baby girl is off to Uni next year. Tempus Fugit! Seems like yesterday she was asking me to adjust the saddle on her new bike!

Friday, January 09, 2009

Thursday, January 01, 2009

One Armed Paper Hanger

That's me! First sorry for such a wait between posts. To be honest I'm not sure if things are going to improve. Life has become super busy, and I just don't have spare time to write about it. Mostly it is for the good; Wyred Slave has really taken off, so I spend many waking hours making collars for folks now. Also Lorii's ebay shop has taken off ,so she is equally if not more busy than me. The result is there is barely time to do house work or feed ourselves!

So happy Christmas everyone! Happy New Year too. I hope 2009 is a better year than the last and I'll write again when I can.