This is Mike Jones picture I mentioned below. If you are a Flickr member please visit this picture and fave it. };))
Sunday, October 04, 2009
There is a professional photographer on Flickr called Mike Jones. He travels around America in a campervan taking pictures of stunning beauty for a postcard company. A bit of a dream job really. Aside from the utterly stunning (stonking even) pictures in his photostream the banter from his fans and himself always make it worth a visit. Last night he posted a request for fav's (It's a Flickr thing) on a beautiful picture of a balloon launch he took some time ago. It was a joke thing to beat a friend of his who had 800 fav's on one of his pictures and was teasing Mike with it. When I helpfully added my fav He had collected 16030 already! As Mike had promised all who gave him a fav a picture of a dollar I added a comment that I'd give home extra time to send me my dollar, given the large number of fav's collected. Imagine then my surprise to awake today to find a fav from Mike Jones on one of my pictures with a comment too plus a picture of a dollar. Poor Mike must have struggled to find a picture to fave as the start of my photostream is full of pictures of Katie dressed in latex and corsets modeling collars! But he tacked it on this one which was sitting on the bottom of the page. Thank you Mr Jones; a true man of his word.
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