Sunday, February 19, 2006


Well life keeps twisting and turning. Been through a bit of a scary time. Lorii is not a well bunny, proper poorly in fact.

She went to the doctors a week ago, with what she thought was a case of cystitis that would not clear up. The nurse she saw was obviously alarmed after examining her, and Lorii was kept in for the best part of an hour as the nurse alternated between treating Lorii and consulting with a doctor. Swabs were taken and questions were asked about when her last smear was. Finally she was dispatched with a prescription for some super strong antibiotics and a triple length appointment to see her doctor on the Friday. No diagnosis was offered.

So Lorii gets home and is straight on to the web. Her symptoms fit two diagnosis; Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or Cervical Cancer. Both are heavy shit. PID leaves you sterile. Cancer kills you. So we have spent the week with our hearts on our mouths wondering what the future has in store for us. Not fun.

Friday arrives and I sit in the waiting room praying that Lorii is going to come back out with a smile and a story about allergic reactions. Well I got the smile, coz she has not got cancer. PID was diagnosed though, so it looks like we'll have no more sprogs. Bit of a shitter that as we had been planing one. I'm not too sure how I feel about all this at the moment though as I'm just so glad Lorii does not have cancer. Right now she is taking so many pills I swear she should rattle. We left the chemist with so many drugs they supplied a large carrier bag. The plan now is we wait two weeks and then it is back to the doctors.

On a happier note we had the delight that is Katie's Parents Evening at school. All the teachers eulogised her wonderfully and Katie's ego is now measured in planetary terms. (I think it is somewhere between Saturn and Jupiter in size at the moment.) For some bizarre reason Katie's French teacher thinks she should go on to work in an embassy or consulate some where. Just sounds like a quick way to start a war to me. She may be good at languages but tact was never her strong point.

Jacob has turned twelve. Next stop and he is officially a teenager! Just recently he has been practising his teenager. His sulks are masterful, though the eye rolls and stamping both need work. Either way I feel he is well suited for the role and will do it well.

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