Thursday, August 23, 2007


Pyro China 1
Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder
Well the good news is that Katie got her exam results today and they're excellent. Four B grades, four A grades and three A star grades. Katie is the first student ever to get A star in both English Literature and English Language at her school. Everybody is made up for her though bizarrely Katie is most pleased with the B she got in French. After a poor spoken test Katie had not been expecting to do so well.

On a slightly less happy note I have just noticed that the World Firework Competition, that is once again to be held in Blackpool, is going to do it's thing on Friday nights. I'd been really looking forward to trying my new Nikon out and seeing if I could better the results I got last year (See above). But with me working nights that's going to be out of the question. Ho Hum.


Tracy's Blog said...

Huge congratulations to Katie!! Well Done. Lots of love Tracy, Doug, Laura and Ben

Ann said...

Congratulations Katie and well done