Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Kite Surfer 3
Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder
Lorii had quite a good day on Saturday... But I think she under estimated just how weak the whole operation had left her. The day started with a trip to the park to feed squirrels. To be honest it should have ended there too, but although Lorii admitted to being tired once back at the car, she asked to be taken shopping. Sunday and Monday have now been wiped away as Lorii suffers the effects of muscle burn amplified by fibromyalgia.

So Sunday after taking Katie to work I stopped off at Starr Gate to watch the kite surfers. While it does look fun I think I'd be a fair weather boarder; that sea did not look inviting. That said the Irish Sea never looks inviting, and I could never afford this sport. A kite costs the best bit of a grand, the boards are about five hundred quid. Add to that a dry suit... My car cost less than these guys toys.

As Monday was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day I had the day off work. There is little point going in to service our American clients when they are celebrating a national holiday. So as I was home for the evening with the children I took them to the cinema. We saw the latest Ailen vs Predator movie. I was actually surprised how many survived a plot that basically sees an American small town wiped out. The kids were underwelmed, but I felt it was exactly what was on the tin. Sometimes you have to check your disbelief at the door. :/

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I did it!

I did it!
Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder
Well I finally had one of my pictures in 'Last 7 Days.' This has not been a long term goal, but after having a few pictures enter Explore after they were a week old, I'd be a liar if I denied that it bugged me a little. I'm aware that Explore is not a chart of the best pictures. Many fine pictures never make it into Explore. But now the box has been ticked I can forget about it. So as it turns out a little birthday prezzie to me from Flickr. But just to keep my feet on the ground; the picture has now been dropped from Explore. Ho Hum!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Flickr; Explore

Isn't it sad how we find ourselves, from time to time, being sucked into the pursuit of fame and glory? Though in this instance I can claim I am merely pleased to accept the validation of my peers as well as the masses. What the hell am I talking about? The title to this entry should provide a clue, but just in case you're still in the dark, let me explain.

I enjoy, as I have from the age of about seven, the hobby of photography. So when I stumbled onto Flickr, a photo sharing site on the internet, wild horses could not have stopped me joining. Since march in 2005 I have been uploading my pictures so that my fellow members can critique them or ignore them as they may. Naturally I want to receive praise; which brings us to Explore.

Explore is amongst other things a popularity chart. Each day approximately 3.5 million pictures are uploaded to Flickr. Flickr rates each picture on 'Interestingness'. How 'Interesting' a picture is is based on a secret algorithm that takes into account such things as how many views a picture gets, who's looking, whether they leave a comment, how they found the picture or if they favourited it. Each day the top 500 pictures are placed in the Explore section. Where other members can peruse the best pictures of the day. There is also the 'Last 7 days Interesting' section where you can look at the most Interesting pictures from the past week. To get into Explore you must have posted a good or popular picture. The 'last seven days' feature makes it self feeding, the added exposure ensures more comments are left thus pushing up the ranking of a picture.

I have had 18 of my pictures in the Explore section. Though as it is not a fixed chart, but retrospectively amended, some have dropped out over time. I presently (As I type this blog entry) have 12 pictures in Explore. I have never had a picture in the 'Last seven days' section. All my pictures have crept up the chart slowly, proving their worth but never attracting fame or glory. The highest I have achieved is 113th on the 4th of January 2005 for my picture 'Mirror Ball'.

However on Sunday I posted 'Tide organ' which even I thought was a pretty good picture. It is presently 351st for the 6th of January 2008. I don't know how high it needs to get before it starts showing in the 'Last 7 days' but I'm pretty chuffed nonetheless.

If you have a Flickr account, or indeed if you don't, you can view this picture by clicking on the title of this blog entry. Obviously I'd be pleased if you left some feedback, but don't feel pressured, I want it to stand on its own merits. However, I do hope you like it.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Tide Organ

Tide Organ
Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder
Well Lorii lost a couple of nights sleep to the pain, so when she finally got to sleep this morning, I kept out of the way taking photos. Had quite a good day of it too, if the response from my fellow Flickr users is any guide.