Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Kite Surfer 3
Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder
Lorii had quite a good day on Saturday... But I think she under estimated just how weak the whole operation had left her. The day started with a trip to the park to feed squirrels. To be honest it should have ended there too, but although Lorii admitted to being tired once back at the car, she asked to be taken shopping. Sunday and Monday have now been wiped away as Lorii suffers the effects of muscle burn amplified by fibromyalgia.

So Sunday after taking Katie to work I stopped off at Starr Gate to watch the kite surfers. While it does look fun I think I'd be a fair weather boarder; that sea did not look inviting. That said the Irish Sea never looks inviting, and I could never afford this sport. A kite costs the best bit of a grand, the boards are about five hundred quid. Add to that a dry suit... My car cost less than these guys toys.

As Monday was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day I had the day off work. There is little point going in to service our American clients when they are celebrating a national holiday. So as I was home for the evening with the children I took them to the cinema. We saw the latest Ailen vs Predator movie. I was actually surprised how many survived a plot that basically sees an American small town wiped out. The kids were underwelmed, but I felt it was exactly what was on the tin. Sometimes you have to check your disbelief at the door. :/

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