Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Well Lorii has made an absalute mint on e-bay this week. We've shifted a wardrobe that worked in the last place but has never fitted here. Lorii has also sold loads more stuff and made about £300 this week. Who knew that we could make so much cash. Lorii is now fire up and selling EVERYTHING!. You name it, it's going on e-bay. Everything from rubber shirts to glass paper weights and Hot air balloons. Could Lorii be the next e-bay millionair. I bloody well hope so!


Anonymous said...

Hi - I came across your blog because I have one two and was just clicking on the next blog option. I have just started selling on eBay too, how the hell did you manage to sell a wardrobe? Collect only I presume??! I have some big heavy articles I want rid of too, but wouldn't have thought of putting them on eBay. Sorry about the rat, I have two one year olds, plus dog and lots of others. I also walk mine on beach frequently. Nice to read an interesting blog. Thanks. :)

Canon Fodder said...

Thank you for taking the time to write. Yes, the wardrobe was collect only. One electric screwdriver and the thing was in the buyers car in half an hour. They drove nearly the width of Lancashire to come and fetch it. I am glad you like the blog and pleased you find my rantings interesting.