Saturday, April 30, 2005

Jacob revealed!

Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder.
Just in case you were wondering what Jake looked like... Oh and yes he does hate this picture!

Jacob's Blog

Jacob's Blog My son Jacob has just started his own blog. He too has picked a Unreal graphic for his avatar. He is showing his age with the odd 'Not telling' comment and some stunning gramatical errors. But all told it's not a bad start.

Saturday, April 23, 2005


Well I got my first Rampage this morning. About time too. Once again in the Dome of Death, and it boosted my ranking for a very short while. Click here to see the proof.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

So sue me!

Well the insurance people have given me a Daewoo Matiz, in yellow! The Mondeo has gone to be assessed and I suspect written off. Both Lorii and I have been appointed solicitors. Independent ones at that, I guess in case I’m found at fault and Lorii ends up suing me!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Our Sun:
Burning Bush II

Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder.
The sun taken with an ultraviolet camera on a satellite stationed in a Lagrange point. If you notice there is a flare ejecting or exploding, whatever the technical term is, just to the right of centre. The radiation spewed or emitted, once again I struggle to describe something so powerful and enormous, went on to cause a fantastic display of 'Northern Lights.' Which you can see if you go here;

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Ford-Found On Roadside, Dead

Ford-Found On Roadside, Dead
Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder.
A totally crazy day today with many blogable moments so settle in for a good read. Lorii and I decided that we needed a new bed today, and we also needed to pop into town and buy a present for baby Ben now that he is home. So, with Katie out with her friends, I loaded the rest of the family in the car and set off for the furniture shop. As I approached the store, the junction it sits on does not allow traffic to turn right into the car park. So I drove past looking for somewhere to turn around. At the next set of traffic lights I went to turn right, into a car park for a car hire store where I could turn round. Now as I went to make this turn I could not see the oncoming road as there was a large white van facing me also looking to turn to his right. However as the lights turned to red as I sat in the middle of the junction I felt it was safe to proceed. Wrong! Just as I moved off a bus shot from behind the van, it had obviously been lurking in wait. I tried hard to stop, but the bus didn’t. Well it did, but only after it had taken half the bumper off the front of the car in exchange for some fetching green paint.

We stopped and exchanged details. The bus driver decided he did not want the bumper he had just ripped from my car so I put it in the boot. Everyone was asked if they were okay, and as everyone felt fine we went on our way. As we drove home Lorii said that her neck was starting to hurt. So when I got in I’m straight on to the insurance people. They are very helpful, which seems wrong somehow, I’m sure they’ll make up for it later. Anyhow they arrange for a garage to take the car in hand on Monday and for a hire firm to deliver a car on Monday too.

Next I call the police to report the accident, they take the details and tell me to take Lorii to the hospital. Great, both our hearts sink at the prospect of a Saturday afternoon spent kicking out heels in A&E. So we gather some good reading material and head for the door. Just then a lass called Sarah calls to ask if she can walk our dog for us, which is sweet but inconvenient. So we say no, we have been involved in a traffic accident and are on our way to hospital. She says, “Oh what happened?” We say, “We were hit buy a bus.” Her reply will live with me to the day I die, as the last thing I expected was, “Was it a No.7?”

So we get to hospital who broke every record for speedy service. The only comment the nurse made, as she confirmed Lorii had whiplash, was there would soon be the entire passenger manifest in off the bus, claiming whiplash too. So now I sit here typing this Lorii is off buying drugs, and I’m awaiting a visit by the law who will probably wait until there is something good on the telly before coming round. Ho hum.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder.
Take one ham. Score the fat in a grid pattern and rub in plenty of whole grain mustard. Marinade in cider for a couple of days. Place in a hot oven, still in the marinade and covered in foil. Roast for one hour. Remove from oven; pour away marinade and coat with lashings of honey. Put back in the oven for another half an hour. Remove from oven and allow to stand for half an hour before carving in thin fine moist succulent slices. Yes Mum I am eating well!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Ben II

Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder.
As promised pictures of Ben. Turns out that the infection has passed and he is out of danger. They do not know what the infection was, (but his CPR should have been between1-6 went as high at one time as 22) but it was not Meningitis. After aggressive doses of antibiotics the mystery infection is now under control. He is under a double"blue" lamps to get his vitamin D up and the jaundice down, they are taking blood samples every four hours to check on his biliruben, unfortunately the anti c blood from Tracy (My Sister) crossed the placenta wall. It is having a bit of a battle in Ben's arteries with his blood - but he's doing fine and looks cute in his sunglasses.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Ben I

Well it seems baby Ben is not a well lad. Due to complications during the pregnancy he was born with a damaged immune system- or something, Mother is not to clear. Anyway, the mite has come down with an infection and has landed in an ICU at hospital. All we can do is wait and pray.

Sunday, April 10, 2005


I had a storming game of Unreal last night, The map was Lunar and my team won. But better than that, I was the best player on my team. The secret was we worked as a team, with me as leader! I like Lunar and if it is played properly it is easy to win. On a personel level I made a point of charging down the map and firing at the enemies node. It did not matter if I was killed without fragging one of them, as the point is to make the other team spawn back at their core. Once the opposition were on the back foot it was just a matter of advising my team mates, which were the best weapons to use. Three players scored higher than me. But I think that was only because of the abandon some of my side showed when charging down the bottleneck to the enemies’ core. It was a real blast and I’m still on a high from it now!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Silly Buggers

Laser Rat
Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder.
Have been playing silly buggers. Found a group on Flickr who draw lasers from their pets eyes. I've submited the effort on the right. How long before they chuck me out?

Friday, April 08, 2005


I'm a fresh Uncle! My little sister, Tracy, has just given birth to her second child. A boy weighing in at  9lbs 91/2oz his name is Benjamin Martin. Well done sis.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Marching to Roast

Tonight Katie, my eldest, is enrolled in the Air Cadets. We have to go down to watch her march up and down a bit tonight, before passing out. As a sort of a celebration I’m cooking a roast dinner. Also Katies best friend, Katie, who we all call Kenny to avoid confusion is coming with her mother. I’ll post pictures as and when I have them.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Run you Bugger!

Well I had a game of Capture the Flag today. Makes a change from the usual onslaught. The map was my favourite; Face Classic. I’d forgotten what it was like to have grabbed the flag and be running for your life with every other bugger trying to kill you. Unfortunately this server did not have a great deal of team spirit, and so on those occasions when I did grab the flag I was picked off on my way back. I tried to do my bit and offer cover when others had the flag, but little old me was not enough. Predictably my team of egos lost. Still I enjoyed the blast and think I’ll be going back some time soon.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Burning Bush

Burning Bush
Originally uploaded by Yesterday.
Lorii and I have always had this romantic dream that it would be nice to get married under the northern lights. Images like this only reinforce my desire to make this dream reality.


Lorii is away for the night again, and I’m up at this ungodly hour due to a domestic emergency some friends are going through. It’s six in the morning and I’ve not slept. Normal blogging will be resumed once I have had some sleep.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Being Patronised

Well my Ranking is fixed. Went on a server I don't usually play on. The map was Nevermore SE. It was being Dominated by a dude called Zofu. I went up a tower and sniped a bit. At the end of the game I'd not done well but I'd held my own. Most folks had scores around the high teens to low twenties. Mine was something like fifty or sixty, though my side had lost. Zofu the cheeky fuck was three hundred and something! So I typed up a congratulatory "Well done Zofu." Just to let the rest of his team know who had won the game for them. So he types back; "Thanks M8...", " didn't make it easy." So there's me put in my place. :p


I dove in and got slaughtered. Played crap actually. I'm ashamed and my rank is once again a big fat zero.