Sunday, December 24, 2006
Happy Christmas
Well Christmas Eve draws to a close and the big day looms. I hope you are ready, and are looking forward to a great time. Have a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Iron Maiden
No prizes for guessing where I was on Thursday! Not with this picture to accompany the blog entry anyway! I first saw Maiden in my teens at the then Hammersmith Odeon, this time I got to take my teenage daughter with me too.
Initially the plan had been been for the whole family to go. Richard, a best mate from the age of around ten, had phoned and asked if I wanted tickets while he was buying his? I'd asked for four and started counting the days... Then Lorii's health got really bad, and three weeks before the gig she is on the operating table. I asked Richard to see if he could find a buyer for the fourth ticket, as Lorii was sure she would not be fit enough to go.
Come the day of the gig I come home to find Lorii ready to go and Jacob still in his school uniform. It was a very generous gesture by Jake; especially as this would have been his first ever concert. So we pile in the car and drive down to Richard's place, in Liverpool, where we intend to rendezvous before heading to Manchester and the show. Now Lorii had evidently had a few fortifying vodka drinks before I had picked her and Katie up. Lorii managed to demonstrate the wonders alcohol has on your co-ordination by upending her handbag into the passenger foot-well, forgetting the maps to Richard's place (I had never been before!) and, through miss-use, exhausting all my credit on my mobile phone asking for directions. Luckily the driver was both sober and in possession of a good memory, and remembered Richard's instructions on how to get to his house.
On arriving at Richard's he generously gifted us our tickets as an early Christmas present! (Thanks again Ric!) We then met up with Tim, the taker of the fourth ticket, and made our way to the gig.
We arrived for the end of Trivium's set. I know nothing of this band, Katie did not seem impressed, but a large part of the crowd seemed to enjoy them.
The first part of the Maiden set was their new album, A Matter of Life and Death, cover to cover. Now there were some great songs in there, but as poor me doesn't own the album I did not know where to sing along. I think a large part of the crowd were suffering the same problem because once this part of the show was 'out of the way' the gig really took off. Old hits were pulled out and the whole arena sang along. I felt fourteen again! Eddie, the band's mascot, made two appearances and the band finished on one of my favourite songs; Hallowed Be Thy Name.
Unfortunately Lorii was not up to standing throughout the gig, once the alcohol wore off I think the pain killers were not up to the job of sustaining a frail Lorii through the rigours of a Maiden gig. Worse for her; she is not a life long Iron Maiden fan and did not know the lyrics to the hits they did play. The Number of the Beast, No More Lies and Run to the Hills did not get an outing, which was a shame as Lorii had learnt those!
We came out of the arena into pouring rain and were utterly soaked by the time we reached the car. We picked up a KFC supper and were in bed by two in the morning. Three hours later I was up and off to work. So now I feel a little tired....
Initially the plan had been been for the whole family to go. Richard, a best mate from the age of around ten, had phoned and asked if I wanted tickets while he was buying his? I'd asked for four and started counting the days... Then Lorii's health got really bad, and three weeks before the gig she is on the operating table. I asked Richard to see if he could find a buyer for the fourth ticket, as Lorii was sure she would not be fit enough to go.
Come the day of the gig I come home to find Lorii ready to go and Jacob still in his school uniform. It was a very generous gesture by Jake; especially as this would have been his first ever concert. So we pile in the car and drive down to Richard's place, in Liverpool, where we intend to rendezvous before heading to Manchester and the show. Now Lorii had evidently had a few fortifying vodka drinks before I had picked her and Katie up. Lorii managed to demonstrate the wonders alcohol has on your co-ordination by upending her handbag into the passenger foot-well, forgetting the maps to Richard's place (I had never been before!) and, through miss-use, exhausting all my credit on my mobile phone asking for directions. Luckily the driver was both sober and in possession of a good memory, and remembered Richard's instructions on how to get to his house.
On arriving at Richard's he generously gifted us our tickets as an early Christmas present! (Thanks again Ric!) We then met up with Tim, the taker of the fourth ticket, and made our way to the gig.
We arrived for the end of Trivium's set. I know nothing of this band, Katie did not seem impressed, but a large part of the crowd seemed to enjoy them.
The first part of the Maiden set was their new album, A Matter of Life and Death, cover to cover. Now there were some great songs in there, but as poor me doesn't own the album I did not know where to sing along. I think a large part of the crowd were suffering the same problem because once this part of the show was 'out of the way' the gig really took off. Old hits were pulled out and the whole arena sang along. I felt fourteen again! Eddie, the band's mascot, made two appearances and the band finished on one of my favourite songs; Hallowed Be Thy Name.
Unfortunately Lorii was not up to standing throughout the gig, once the alcohol wore off I think the pain killers were not up to the job of sustaining a frail Lorii through the rigours of a Maiden gig. Worse for her; she is not a life long Iron Maiden fan and did not know the lyrics to the hits they did play. The Number of the Beast, No More Lies and Run to the Hills did not get an outing, which was a shame as Lorii had learnt those!
We came out of the arena into pouring rain and were utterly soaked by the time we reached the car. We picked up a KFC supper and were in bed by two in the morning. Three hours later I was up and off to work. So now I feel a little tired....
Sunday, December 03, 2006
A Bit Windy...
I took the dogs out for a walk on the beach today... only it was too windy to get down to. It was all I could do to stand up on the top of the sea wall!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Oh No!
Well we are soon to be blessed with the sound of tiny feet! Nutmeg is a boy not a girl, and he and Izzy have been doing the wild thing! Despite the pet shop having the boys and girls segregated we have ended up with one of each. Have you ever tried to sex a guinea pig? My attempts obviously failed! Though a good clue that Izzy is a girl is all the dried semen in her fur around her privates! We are expecting the babies around Christmas and Nutmeg has been renamed Spunky!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
For the past few days the kids have been grounded. Grounded in our house does not mean that they are confined to the house, they would not find that a punishment. Rather that they are banned from computers, playstations and the cartoon network. The reason for this was, that with their mother ill, they had not been doing even the every day chores, let alone helping me out with the increased workload. So they were grounded until they changed their ways.
So last night Lorii and I discuss the situation, decide they have both made an effort, and resolve to lift the grounding. With Lorii installed on the sofa to get a break from the bedroom, I make my way up the stairs to give the kids the good news.
Now earlier on that evening I had had to pull Jacob up about the state of his bedroom floor. (Those who know me from my own childhood will be detecting a fairly hypocritical poacher turned gamekeeper thing going on here.) My parting words on this occasion were along the lines of, "Next time I enter your room all this mess will be picked up." (Oh how my parents must be reminiscing to those words!) So confident that Jacob would be happy to see me with my happy news I enter his bedroom. To find not one thing has been lifted up or put away.
Now when I was a nipper this would have been because the first thing I picked up was a book or comic. I'd start reading it, I can not help myself when it comes to words on a row, and time would be suspended until my mum caught me loafing about.
Jake was doing his homework; which made it hard to be really cross. So I told him he was ungrounded on the understanding that the floor was clean next time I came in his room.
So next I enter Katies room. Now her room was tidy, and without being told, and Katie was busy doing some clay modelling for her art homework. I tell her her grounding is lifted to which she replies, "Can I stay grounded please?" My jaw hits the floor. It turns out that she does not want any distractions from her homework. I swear she is not normal!
So last night Lorii and I discuss the situation, decide they have both made an effort, and resolve to lift the grounding. With Lorii installed on the sofa to get a break from the bedroom, I make my way up the stairs to give the kids the good news.
Now earlier on that evening I had had to pull Jacob up about the state of his bedroom floor. (Those who know me from my own childhood will be detecting a fairly hypocritical poacher turned gamekeeper thing going on here.) My parting words on this occasion were along the lines of, "Next time I enter your room all this mess will be picked up." (Oh how my parents must be reminiscing to those words!) So confident that Jacob would be happy to see me with my happy news I enter his bedroom. To find not one thing has been lifted up or put away.
Now when I was a nipper this would have been because the first thing I picked up was a book or comic. I'd start reading it, I can not help myself when it comes to words on a row, and time would be suspended until my mum caught me loafing about.
Jake was doing his homework; which made it hard to be really cross. So I told him he was ungrounded on the understanding that the floor was clean next time I came in his room.
So next I enter Katies room. Now her room was tidy, and without being told, and Katie was busy doing some clay modelling for her art homework. I tell her her grounding is lifted to which she replies, "Can I stay grounded please?" My jaw hits the floor. It turns out that she does not want any distractions from her homework. I swear she is not normal!
Friday, November 24, 2006
I took the kids to see the new James Bond movie, Casino Royale, last night. Daniel Craig makes an awesome Bond, with the whole genera getting the "Batman Begins" treatment; that is, they have dumped all the foolish frippery, and kept the core elements that make bond movies great. Aston Martin cars, martinis, womanising, explosions, M, and great spy gadgetry all stay, but in a more believable and realistic way. The fight scenes are more realistic too, this bond cuts and bruises, and right from the start of the film you can tell there is a more brutal edge to 007. As an Audio Slave and Soundgarden fan it was nice to have Chris Cornell singing on the opening credits too. I'll not spoil it for you by revealing the plot; I'll simply say that if you enjoyed the Sean Connery Bond, and enjoyed Daniel Craig in Layer Cake you will find Casino Royale to your taste.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
New look...
Well blogger have reinvented their interface. I was going to overhaul the complete look of the blog, but have settled on some minor changes. Let me know what you think...
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Well Lorii's ailment finally has a name and it is endometriosis. It's been a long journey with quite a few scares on the way (We still have to wait for the re-scan of her chest to see if that nodule has grown.) but at least we now know what is causing Lorii so much pain.
Lorii had a laparoscopy on Monday afternoon. The surgeon found numerous lesions and adhesions which she sorted out. She also cut some of Lorii's nerves, where needed, to ease her suffering. Right up to the day of the surgery Lorii had been terrified that the surgeon would find nothing; and that she would be dismissed by yet another member of the medical profession. However after the surgery Lorii's surgeon told her that she described the site of the pain so precisely that it had helped her get straight to the seat of the problem. Obviously Lorii is feeling enormously vindicated.
Where we go from here we are not too sure. Endometriosis is incurable. But now the doctors know what her problem is there is a lot they can do to ease her pain and suffering. There may be further surgery, a hysterectomy may be on the cards, or there are some hormone treatments that may help. In the short term she is simply recovering from the effects of the laparoscopy. Bizarrely the gas they use to inflate the abdomen causes severe shoulder pain, added to the surgery and the endometriosis and Lorii is feeling pretty sore right now. I'll keep you posted as she recovers.
If you are interested to find out more about endometriosis here is a link to a site with a pretty good description of the symptoms and side effects.
Lorii had a laparoscopy on Monday afternoon. The surgeon found numerous lesions and adhesions which she sorted out. She also cut some of Lorii's nerves, where needed, to ease her suffering. Right up to the day of the surgery Lorii had been terrified that the surgeon would find nothing; and that she would be dismissed by yet another member of the medical profession. However after the surgery Lorii's surgeon told her that she described the site of the pain so precisely that it had helped her get straight to the seat of the problem. Obviously Lorii is feeling enormously vindicated.
Where we go from here we are not too sure. Endometriosis is incurable. But now the doctors know what her problem is there is a lot they can do to ease her pain and suffering. There may be further surgery, a hysterectomy may be on the cards, or there are some hormone treatments that may help. In the short term she is simply recovering from the effects of the laparoscopy. Bizarrely the gas they use to inflate the abdomen causes severe shoulder pain, added to the surgery and the endometriosis and Lorii is feeling pretty sore right now. I'll keep you posted as she recovers.
If you are interested to find out more about endometriosis here is a link to a site with a pretty good description of the symptoms and side effects.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
The Yawn
A friend once told me there was only one yawn in the world. But I've been thinking about this and I'm not so sure it is true. I think there may be two!
You see a yawn is capable of instantaneous travel from person to person. Sometimes a yawn will jump around a room making each person yawn in turn. It is this phenomenom that has led others to believe that the yawn is infectious. My friend has never seen two people yawn at exactly the same time; a syncronised yawn. So he has deduced that there is only one in the world.
But I think the yawn is searching. I think the yawn is lonley. If you fake a yawn you are probably going to yawn for real soon after. This is a yawn visiting to see if the fake yawn was the 'other' yawn. If someone else yawns you may find yourself yawning too; once again this may be the other yawn in search of its mate. I think yawns get a kick out of performing a syncronised yawn. They strive to perform this rare feat of bodily puppetry. To jump into two people, take over their bodies simultaniously, and to make them yawn in unison brings the simple yawn great pleasure.
So next time you yawn be ready to repeat the feat, as the other yawn takes over your body in search for its mate.
You see a yawn is capable of instantaneous travel from person to person. Sometimes a yawn will jump around a room making each person yawn in turn. It is this phenomenom that has led others to believe that the yawn is infectious. My friend has never seen two people yawn at exactly the same time; a syncronised yawn. So he has deduced that there is only one in the world.
But I think the yawn is searching. I think the yawn is lonley. If you fake a yawn you are probably going to yawn for real soon after. This is a yawn visiting to see if the fake yawn was the 'other' yawn. If someone else yawns you may find yourself yawning too; once again this may be the other yawn in search of its mate. I think yawns get a kick out of performing a syncronised yawn. They strive to perform this rare feat of bodily puppetry. To jump into two people, take over their bodies simultaniously, and to make them yawn in unison brings the simple yawn great pleasure.
So next time you yawn be ready to repeat the feat, as the other yawn takes over your body in search for its mate.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Mel & Andy
We got a phone call this afternoon from Lorii's dad to say Mel was on a web cam in Alice Springs. We dutifully logged on to look; and low, there was Lorii's little sister. Getting bladdered in Oz! Seemed very odd to look at all the people in shorts and summer dresses while rain lashed down here in Blackpool.
Anyway there was a facility to request songs from the bar's playlist and have messages read out to those in the bar. I had a go, but kept getting a 404 message from the bars server once I submitted the request. However it must have worked though coz shortly afterwards we get a phone call from a sozzled Mel thanking us for the request! I'd hate to see her mobile bill for that night!
Anyway there was a facility to request songs from the bar's playlist and have messages read out to those in the bar. I had a go, but kept getting a 404 message from the bars server once I submitted the request. However it must have worked though coz shortly afterwards we get a phone call from a sozzled Mel thanking us for the request! I'd hate to see her mobile bill for that night!
Last night Katie cooked us all sirloin steak for dinner. It was practice for a proposed fillet steak meal next week. All I can say is if this was the run up I can't wait for the main event. It was fantastic!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Katie is making juggling balls as a business exercise at school. This prompted me to dig out my clubs and make what follows...
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
G Pee's
The ginger one is Nutmeg and the black one is Izzy. Please don't ask me why I allowed the kids yet more pets... I must be a soft touch!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Jake & Friends
Well Jacob had a utterly fantastic day today. On Thursday, when Jacob picked up his first prize for his poem 'Suicide,' he also received an informal invitation to visit the Mayor of Blackpool, in his Parlour, on the Saturday morning. There we met both the Mayor Allan Matthews and his wife Mayoress Angela Matthews, who had a lot of time for Jacob, as well as Norman Warwick of Just Poets and Brandon, a fellow poetry prize winner, and his mum Anne. Jake was gifted both a pen and a badge. Had a "really interesting" conversation with the Mayoress, as well as an informal photo-shoot in the council chambers. (He also got fed several pieces of cake, cups of tea and a small stick of rock!)
On from there I took Jacob shopping with his prize money. He bought himself a new sim card, for the mobile his granddad has gifted him, as well as the third book in the Lion Boy series The Truth by Zizou Corder.
Once home he got so animated telling his Mum all about it we actually had to tell him to stop and breathe! One happy lad.
On from there I took Jacob shopping with his prize money. He bought himself a new sim card, for the mobile his granddad has gifted him, as well as the third book in the Lion Boy series The Truth by Zizou Corder.
Once home he got so animated telling his Mum all about it we actually had to tell him to stop and breathe! One happy lad.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Poetry Award for Jacob
I really messed up the exposure on this video, but you can still hear his poem...
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Slide Show
Keen to experiment in the art of posting videos on YouTube I have made a brief slide show. I've used some of my better pictures from Flickr. If you like anything you see in the slide show, pop over to my Flickr account where you can view the images in high quality.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Last of the fireworks
Well the firework competition came to an end last night. The crowd was bigger than ever, and we did not arrive early enough to secure a good vantage point. The fireworks were, however, fantastic. The British firm putting on the display were not competing but if they had I think they would have won. There is a video of the highlights at the end of this. France won the competition, which surprised me, as I felt it should have been between China or Italy. But then what do I know about fireworks?
Friday, September 29, 2006
While Lorii was having a shower this morning, this burnt out cable was setting fire to my house! Luckily Jake was late leaving for school and saw the smoke and raised the alarm. No damage was done other than a melted fuse box and some burnt insulation. So a close shave and we are all counting our blessings!
Monday, September 25, 2006
You Tube
Well you'd have to be blind not to notice the videos on the blog. I've now set up a 'Channel' on You Tube; essentially a home page for my videos just as Flickr is where I keep my pictures. You can find it here:
Sunday, September 24, 2006
More Fireworks
Well China's entry was really good. So much so that I voted for them. Next week is a display by a British company, but not part of the competition, and the winner is announced. I've made a short video from a few mpegs I took during France and China's entries. Please let me know what you think....
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Fireworks II
Well Katie and I went to watch France's entry in the fireworks competition last night. There was a much bigger crowd this time and we could not get a tram to the pier; so we walked. This gave us quite a good look at some of the Illuminations and a 'Illuminated' tram went by too. (Video at the bottom of this entry.) The fireworks were good. Katie felt they were better than Italy's but I disagree. We are both looking forward to next week as that's China who are expected to dazzle.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Katie will now be; Katie Cerys , and Jake is now officially Jacob Zachary as well as my surname.
Also there is now only 101 days, 2 hours and 23minutes until the Christmas Dr Who special!
How sad is that!?
Also there is now only 101 days, 2 hours and 23minutes until the Christmas Dr Who special!
How sad is that!?
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Katies Blog...
I stumbled (Okay I went looking.) across my daughters blog this afternoon. So if you enjoy reading the rantings of an articulate teenager here is the link:
Monday, September 11, 2006
Unreal Tournament 2007
Now the masthead to this blog proclaims me to be a 40 year old child who likes to play Unreal Tournament. Which is true. So that inner child in me is really excited right now because I’ve just seen a trailer for the latest version of the game. Now I know I’ve just posted three movies prior to this entry; but I just have to share! Having viewed this trailer I’m now bursting to know; when it will go on sale, will there be a Mac version, will my Mac be up to running it, how much is it going to cost (I’m willing to trade my smallest child I think.) and do you think Lorii will mind if I disappear with the computer to learn all the new maps, wepons and vehicles for six months or so? For those of you who have been reading my blog without an understanding of what Unreal Tournament is about the following trailer may give you a small inkling as to what I’m ranting on about…
Tetris fool
Katie has a fascination with the music from the Tetris video game at the moment... so that explains the singing. I'm not sure how to explain the rest of their behaviour. I can promise you they had not touched a drop of alcohol....
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Now the kids both want a set of these... actually I do too! They would get Jake fit... Now where do I find the money?
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Fireworks and name changes...
Last week saw the start of an international firework competition in Blackpool. I did not make it down to watch the first display, but I did last night.
In fact the kids and I did quite the tourist bit! First we walked down to Gynn Square and took in the sunset. Then we took a tram to North Pier sitting on the top deck to admire the Illuminations. Once there we picked a nice spot and waited for the fireworks. The display was huge; a large sum of money went up in smoke and pretty lights before our eyes. Unfortunately my poor efforts with the camera do not do it justice. Towards the end of the display Katie was struck in the side of the head by a frightened pidgeon!
Once the display was over we all made our way over to Sue's Hotel. Where I was treated to a wonderful phenomenon called a bottomless bottle of beer!
The family are having fun with names at the moment as the kids have been presented with an opportunity to pick new middle names. I'm in the process of adopting them officially; and as of next week they will take my surname. While the solicitor is changing their surnames they can officially pick new first names too.
Katie has decided to honour her welsh roots and has chosen Cerys as her new middle name.
Jacob though has been struggling to choose a name he likes. The first choice would have been something Japanese; but both his mother and I stomped on that idea. Next he was going to go with Azrael; biblical but then so is Satan. I got him to drop that one by pointing out it was the name of the cat in the smurfs! Seth got a short run. But the current runner is Zackerie; though I'm sure I'm not spelling that right. Watch this space for the final solution...
In fact the kids and I did quite the tourist bit! First we walked down to Gynn Square and took in the sunset. Then we took a tram to North Pier sitting on the top deck to admire the Illuminations. Once there we picked a nice spot and waited for the fireworks. The display was huge; a large sum of money went up in smoke and pretty lights before our eyes. Unfortunately my poor efforts with the camera do not do it justice. Towards the end of the display Katie was struck in the side of the head by a frightened pidgeon!
Once the display was over we all made our way over to Sue's Hotel. Where I was treated to a wonderful phenomenon called a bottomless bottle of beer!
The family are having fun with names at the moment as the kids have been presented with an opportunity to pick new middle names. I'm in the process of adopting them officially; and as of next week they will take my surname. While the solicitor is changing their surnames they can officially pick new first names too.
Katie has decided to honour her welsh roots and has chosen Cerys as her new middle name.
Jacob though has been struggling to choose a name he likes. The first choice would have been something Japanese; but both his mother and I stomped on that idea. Next he was going to go with Azrael; biblical but then so is Satan. I got him to drop that one by pointing out it was the name of the cat in the smurfs! Seth got a short run. But the current runner is Zackerie; though I'm sure I'm not spelling that right. Watch this space for the final solution...
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Well as I said earlier I have renewed my Flickr account. So to celebrate I have updated my flickr Badge. This time it is based on pictures other people have favourited. I hope you like it; you can find it on the right if you scroll down.
There is never enough is there? I've just been reading my mothers blogg and she has just been stiffed by the vet for over £200 and they have another big bill on the way. I've just shelled out for new tyres for the car and the MOT looms. The gas people just hiked the standing order up over 100% and took the first new payment without telling me! The council recently joined in by clearing out my savings account and I'm sitting here wondering who or what will be the next thing to demand the contents of my wallet. (Good luck to them; it's empty!) I actually felt guilty asking Lorii if I could renew my Flickr account this morning. Lucky for me she said yes and I'm free to pursue my photographic hobby at a cost of $2 a month.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Rain on Blackpool
Well I did not make it to the switch on of the Illuminations. The plan had been, for me and the kids, to ride our bicycles down to Sue's hotel and enjoy the show from there. However, my planed route along the front did not meet with Jacobs approval. So an unnecessary sulk started. When he was having difficulties keeping up the pace into a stiff breeze, and as I was concerned that the approaching black cloud would drown us, I tried to help him by giving the lad a friendly push. This promoted the sulk into a full blown temper tantrum. Never one to put up with childish dramatics I sent Katie on alone and turned Jake around. Once home again I phoned Lorii to tell her her son would be conspicuous by his absence, and once the teenager was put to bed, I would be along later. But the weather had beaten me! There was no way I was going to make it without a soaking. The picture shows the very personal and hateful rain cloud over Blackpool. So I'm spending Friday night in. Sitting a woeful teenager and not eating Pizza and drinking beer... Ho hum. Anyone thinking of having kids.... Be warned!
Switch On
Blackpool's famous illuminations are switched on this evening. I'll be leaving to observe the proceedings and will probably post some pictures later. Watch this space...
Thursday, August 31, 2006
New Toy
Well I've found a new widget for my dashboard on my Mac. PC users who don't know what that means had better go look at Apples web site and go green with envy. Anyway now that I can blogg from my desktop I may blogg a little more often...
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Today has been a miserable wet rainy affair.
Spent most of the day playing with photoshop, with the kids collaboration. Katie is pleased with this one, and you'll find others on my Flickr page.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Lorii was at the Hotel again tonight; Sue the owner has not been too well either!
Had a nice chat wiv me Mum on the phone this evening. It's clear she is worried for Lorii (We all are) and had called to have a chat. Still Lorii gets to see the specialist soon. Lets just hope they have some answers.
Katie has taken to wearing a very girly pink headband thing; not at all goth! I'm enjoying teasing her about it. Unfortunately I'm on quite weak footing as she just starts on my hair; or should that be lack of it. Still I don't have a choice... She chooses to wear this thing. I'll try and grab a pic when I can.
Had a nice chat wiv me Mum on the phone this evening. It's clear she is worried for Lorii (We all are) and had called to have a chat. Still Lorii gets to see the specialist soon. Lets just hope they have some answers.
Katie has taken to wearing a very girly pink headband thing; not at all goth! I'm enjoying teasing her about it. Unfortunately I'm on quite weak footing as she just starts on my hair; or should that be lack of it. Still I don't have a choice... She chooses to wear this thing. I'll try and grab a pic when I can.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Hum Drum
Well with all that is going on in the world I feel I should have something momentous to talk about too. But I don’t. In fact I’m having a slow weekend, which is nice for a change.
Lorii is at the Hotel, I’ve done the dinner. Lorii’s parents are away and have left Max with us. The kids have cleaned the car. I’ve cooked dinner. That’s it.
Check back soon when, no doubt, life will have overtaken me once more.
Lorii is at the Hotel, I’ve done the dinner. Lorii’s parents are away and have left Max with us. The kids have cleaned the car. I’ve cooked dinner. That’s it.
Check back soon when, no doubt, life will have overtaken me once more.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Stereo Dog
I've done a few of these stereo/3D images now, and I must admit I quite like them. Full of myself I printed this one out at work expecting everyone to be impressed. But no one could see the 3D image. In fact my boss thought I was winding him up.
So can you see the 3d picture? All you have to do is cross your eyes so that you see three images. If you can get the middle image to line up and focus you should see Badger in glorious 3D.
Please post a comment if it works. Actually, post if you can't get it to work too. That way I'll have a better idea of the ratio of those who can to can't!
So can you see the 3d picture? All you have to do is cross your eyes so that you see three images. If you can get the middle image to line up and focus you should see Badger in glorious 3D.
Please post a comment if it works. Actually, post if you can't get it to work too. That way I'll have a better idea of the ratio of those who can to can't!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Fledgling Rescued
Katie did her good deed for the day this afternoon, while we were out exercising the dog. Jake and I were walking, but Katie had elected to ride her bike, and was pedalling ahead of us as we walked Badger along the beach.
It was here, while searching for feathers, she came across a baby seagull tangled up in discarded fishing tackle. We tried to remove the tackle on the beach, but only managed to remove one hook from its beak and another from its foot. I quickly realised we were going to have to take the bird home where I could use some tools to cut away the rest of the mess.
Jake pushed Katie's bike, I took Badger in hand and Katie wrapped the gull in her prized Him top. As we walked home the bird, now with its beak free, started to show some spirit and peck at Katie.
Once home I used some side cutters to cut out two more hooks, including one from its wing. I also removed a large amount of line and a weight from around the birds feet.
We then tried to feed the gull some sardines, to help it regain it's strength, but it seemed to think the best thing to do with those was spray them over Katie's jeans for her trouble. It also crapped on her top for her.
Once we were happy the bird was fundamentally okay; wings worked and such like, we wrapped it up in a towel and took it back to the beach. Katie released it from the sea wall and was immensely gratified to see the bird fly off and rejoin its friends on the beach.
It was here, while searching for feathers, she came across a baby seagull tangled up in discarded fishing tackle. We tried to remove the tackle on the beach, but only managed to remove one hook from its beak and another from its foot. I quickly realised we were going to have to take the bird home where I could use some tools to cut away the rest of the mess.
Jake pushed Katie's bike, I took Badger in hand and Katie wrapped the gull in her prized Him top. As we walked home the bird, now with its beak free, started to show some spirit and peck at Katie.

Once home I used some side cutters to cut out two more hooks, including one from its wing. I also removed a large amount of line and a weight from around the birds feet.
We then tried to feed the gull some sardines, to help it regain it's strength, but it seemed to think the best thing to do with those was spray them over Katie's jeans for her trouble. It also crapped on her top for her.
Once we were happy the bird was fundamentally okay; wings worked and such like, we wrapped it up in a towel and took it back to the beach. Katie released it from the sea wall and was immensely gratified to see the bird fly off and rejoin its friends on the beach.
Bird Cuddle
Originally uploaded by Canon Fodder.
Okay; I've been playing with my camera... If you go cross eyed at this (It works best if you try to get the red car to line up.) you should get an amazing stereo image of my attic! And you thought your life was complete! Silly thing!
Friday, August 04, 2006
Had a minor bit of excitement when a local building decided to combust. No one was harmed in the conflagration, though the building looked to be utterly destroyed.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Still here!
Well I've been told off by loads of people for not keeping this up. so sorry to all those readers who have been waiting for my next post. But no... Should it be Hooray! For here it is in all its glory. Words in a row by wonderful me.
So what has been happening in my little world that has kept me so busy that I had no time to write?
Let me give you a sample of a recent day...
Get up a 6.00am to be in work for 7.00am. Work until 4.30pm. Arrive home and fix broken vacuum cleaner with parts that have arrived by post. Start to fix washing machine with some more parts. Stop to take some post down to post-office for Lorii. Return and finish fixing washing machine. Take Lorii to work at the Hotel. Return and help kids construct weight bench so they can do bench presses and the like. Cook kids and my dinner. Go for bike ride with kids to far end of prom. On return fetch Lorii from work. Cook Lorii a dinner. Shower and fall into bed exhausted around 1.00am to similar the next day!
No every day is like this... Sometimes I get to sleep.
Lorii is still very poorly. The Doc upped her pain meds today, and arranged a appointment with a gynecologist in about three weeks.
Katie is at a sleep over with a friend, so I'm just cooking for three tonight.
Will make a more coherent entry when |I have more time....
So what has been happening in my little world that has kept me so busy that I had no time to write?
Let me give you a sample of a recent day...
Get up a 6.00am to be in work for 7.00am. Work until 4.30pm. Arrive home and fix broken vacuum cleaner with parts that have arrived by post. Start to fix washing machine with some more parts. Stop to take some post down to post-office for Lorii. Return and finish fixing washing machine. Take Lorii to work at the Hotel. Return and help kids construct weight bench so they can do bench presses and the like. Cook kids and my dinner. Go for bike ride with kids to far end of prom. On return fetch Lorii from work. Cook Lorii a dinner. Shower and fall into bed exhausted around 1.00am to similar the next day!
No every day is like this... Sometimes I get to sleep.
Lorii is still very poorly. The Doc upped her pain meds today, and arranged a appointment with a gynecologist in about three weeks.
Katie is at a sleep over with a friend, so I'm just cooking for three tonight.
Will make a more coherent entry when |I have more time....
Sunday, May 14, 2006
I am alive!
Opps! I have been real busy of late. Nice weather and things have kept me away from the computer. I'll try and fill in a proper entry later.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Well I've not been able to get to a computer for a while so I'm taking this moment and blogging it!
Things have been pretty busy lately. Two weeks ago I repaired the shed roof, a huge task that was forced by the collapse of the last one. Last weekend my back popped again, which means I've not been able to clear up the detritus left in the garden from the roof fiasco.
Katie was put forward as Head Girl, though she did not make it. On top of this while one of her two work placements is eulogising her to her Head Teacher, the other is making an ill advised character assassination attempt! The school is not bying it.
Richard has been in touch and it looks like he and my family and I are going to see Iron Maiden when they come to Manchester as part of their current tour. I must admit that I never thought, as a teenager in the front row of the Number of the Beast tour way back when, that at the age of fourty I would be taking my teenage children to see the same band.
I've also been able to play a bit of Unreal recently too. Was nice to blast a few people, and I discovered a few new maps too. I'm going to have to download and learn them when I can find the time. If anybody is interested, or thinks they came up against me recently, you can check my stats here; My Stats.
Things have been pretty busy lately. Two weeks ago I repaired the shed roof, a huge task that was forced by the collapse of the last one. Last weekend my back popped again, which means I've not been able to clear up the detritus left in the garden from the roof fiasco.
Katie was put forward as Head Girl, though she did not make it. On top of this while one of her two work placements is eulogising her to her Head Teacher, the other is making an ill advised character assassination attempt! The school is not bying it.
Richard has been in touch and it looks like he and my family and I are going to see Iron Maiden when they come to Manchester as part of their current tour. I must admit that I never thought, as a teenager in the front row of the Number of the Beast tour way back when, that at the age of fourty I would be taking my teenage children to see the same band.
I've also been able to play a bit of Unreal recently too. Was nice to blast a few people, and I discovered a few new maps too. I'm going to have to download and learn them when I can find the time. If anybody is interested, or thinks they came up against me recently, you can check my stats here; My Stats.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
This is picture was not taken by me. But I'm linking to it in the hope my Mother may recognise it as the bird sat outside her back garden!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I may have spelt the title incorrectly. Ho Hum. Well Lorii went to the doctors again today. Mostly for a check up on her diabetes rather than the still ongoing PID. She now has to take metformin regularly rather than on those occasions when her sugar levels go too high. As this drug gives Lorii bad stomach pains she is none too thrilled. However, it may help her control her weight, which has crept up a bit just recently. She is also in the near future going to get free membership of a gym, to help her control her sugar levels too. So it is not all bad news.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
I just talked to my parents in Somerset for free! Oh, the power of the internet. Phone companies beware. The end is nigh!
On other matters; The kids did indeed have lots of fun in the snow. Jake made a very unusual snowman, it has straws for hair and knife and fork arms. I'll post a picture when I can.
Kate is in her second week of work experience. She spent the first in a funeral home. She found the whole thing fascinating, and true to form was not fazed in the least by the recently departed. This week she has been placed in the Marketing department of my own employers. She seems to have been let loose in Photoshop and is having a wonderful time producing all sorts of art.
On other matters; The kids did indeed have lots of fun in the snow. Jake made a very unusual snowman, it has straws for hair and knife and fork arms. I'll post a picture when I can.
Kate is in her second week of work experience. She spent the first in a funeral home. She found the whole thing fascinating, and true to form was not fazed in the least by the recently departed. This week she has been placed in the Marketing department of my own employers. She seems to have been let loose in Photoshop and is having a wonderful time producing all sorts of art.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Sorry it has been so long with an update but life insists on continuing in its present interesting vein. It’s funny that when your life is full, or at least busy, you rarely have time to document it. Yet if you have done nothing, you have nothing to write about.
Lorii’s condition persists. The antibiotics are fighting a holding action at best. She went to a clinic during the week to have the coil, which is being blamed for the PID, removed. That was a very strange visit. The place seemed to be staffed exclusively by members of the Women’s Institute. Or, at least, a lot of women of a certain age, all wearing unsuitable trousers. On taking Lorii’s medical history (A very sad sob story) she was offered counselling, which she did not want. Only to be asked immediately after what method of birth control would she be using once the coil was removed? Umm, we will be using the enforced effects of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, you insensitive idiot. Can we have some counselling for the distress that comment caused please?
The days after the coil’s removal have been very uncomfortable for Lorii. The latest course of antibiotics are making her very nauseous and suppressing her appetite. The knock on of that is that Lorii is very tired and feeling pretty low. Still, I am sure that this infection will be sorted eventually; it may just be that Lorii’s diabetes is hindering things, and that with plenty of rest she will recover.
On a lighter note we have replaced the hideous carpet in the front room. Lorii’s parents bought a new one for their place and donated their old one. It was a struggle to fit as most of the furniture is too large to remove without dismantling the doorframe. But with Katie’s help I got the old one out, and the new one in.
As I type this there is a blizzard raging outside! Well okay it’s snowing a bit. There should be a picture to accompany this entry. It is certainly the most snowfall we have experienced since we have moved to Blackpool, and quite unusual if the locals are to be believed. When the kids wake up they will be delighted. Snowball fights are on the cards!
Lorii’s condition persists. The antibiotics are fighting a holding action at best. She went to a clinic during the week to have the coil, which is being blamed for the PID, removed. That was a very strange visit. The place seemed to be staffed exclusively by members of the Women’s Institute. Or, at least, a lot of women of a certain age, all wearing unsuitable trousers. On taking Lorii’s medical history (A very sad sob story) she was offered counselling, which she did not want. Only to be asked immediately after what method of birth control would she be using once the coil was removed? Umm, we will be using the enforced effects of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, you insensitive idiot. Can we have some counselling for the distress that comment caused please?
The days after the coil’s removal have been very uncomfortable for Lorii. The latest course of antibiotics are making her very nauseous and suppressing her appetite. The knock on of that is that Lorii is very tired and feeling pretty low. Still, I am sure that this infection will be sorted eventually; it may just be that Lorii’s diabetes is hindering things, and that with plenty of rest she will recover.
On a lighter note we have replaced the hideous carpet in the front room. Lorii’s parents bought a new one for their place and donated their old one. It was a struggle to fit as most of the furniture is too large to remove without dismantling the doorframe. But with Katie’s help I got the old one out, and the new one in.
As I type this there is a blizzard raging outside! Well okay it’s snowing a bit. There should be a picture to accompany this entry. It is certainly the most snowfall we have experienced since we have moved to Blackpool, and quite unusual if the locals are to be believed. When the kids wake up they will be delighted. Snowball fights are on the cards!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Heart Attack!
Well this week has proved to be an eventful one too. Lorii found using the bathroom, on Monday morning, so painful she thought she would faint. I quickly decided I would take a couple of days off work, to nurse her, until the antibiotics had started to improve the situation.
Indeed by Tuesday evening Lorii was feeling much better and decided that she would try and catch up on her E-bay selling. I set up a mini photography studio in the dining room, to take the pictures, and Lorii got busy uploading the descriptions. The Evening flew by and before we knew it, it was one o'clock in the morning and we were both pretty pooped. However, when we went to bed Lorii started to suffer from severe chest pain. Not totally sure it was her heart she asked me to call NHS Direct. They wanted to send an ambulance. Being a mother who put her kids first she was not prepared to let them call an ambulance as it may scare them unnecessarily. So waiving their responsibility if she were to drop dead on the spot, Lorii promised to go directly to hospital under her own means; i.e. me.
I woke Katie and explained where we were going and why. Told her what to do in an emergency and got her to repeat it back to me. With strict instructions not to wake Jake unless she had too. (It was his reaction to his mum racing off to hospital that Lorii was most concerned about.) All sorted we got in the car and made the brief journey to Victoria Hospital. We parked the car, and with Lorii leaning on me heavily for support, made our way into Casualty.
We got the trainee receptionist. It really was a farce. With Lorii nearly unable to stand we were made to wait while a numpty was guided through the steps on the computer by an expert. Neither Lorii or I new whether to laugh or cry as this woman hit the wrong buttons on her computer and filled in the wrong info on the forms. Finally though we were sent through to Triage.
The Triage Nurse was very blasé. He informed us that the NHS Direct receptionist had sent through seventeen people that night, and that it was always busy when she was on duty. He then told us to go through to the waiting room and that they would call us through to do an ECG to make sure it was not a heart attack.
Our wait was very brief, and to the sound of low mutters from the other occupants of the waiting room, we were called through by a nurse. Lorii was then wired up to the ECG machine, and had her blood pressure taken too. That done we were left to wait until the doctor arrived. Lorii was very impressed with him. He gave Lorii a thorough looking over, answered loads of questions in a way she understood, and then sent her off to have her chest x-rayed, and have some blood samples taken.
The nurse who took Lorii's blood was a bit brutal, according to Lorii's expert analysis. But the x-ray really caused her to squirm! First they wheeled her bed down the corridor as she weakly protested that, "I can walk you know!" Next as she waited to enter the x-ray room a nurse quietly informed her she would have to remove her bra. You should have seen his eyebrows shoot up, and Lorii's face go red, as Lorii asked him about her piercings!
X-rays taken we were returned to Lorii's room to await the doctor with the results. When he did return it was with a small cup of indigestion medicine and the news that both Lorii's heart and lungs were fine. However he was still waiting for the blood results to come in, and he would be back with those as soon as he could.
Shortly after this Lorii was moved onto the Observation Ward. This was a bit of a giggle too as the night light for Lorii's bed did not work. Every time a nurse came to check on Lorii they had turn the wards main lights on, thus waking everybody, just to see her!
Lorii and I were both pretty tired by this point. It had been a busy day and was now around five o'clock in the morning. Lorii's chest was hurting just as bad and kept her awake, but I nodded in the chair next to her bed.
Finally the doctor returned with the blood results. They showed that she had a massive infection, but then we knew that. He concluded that Lorii's pain was most likely down to the antibiotics her GP had prescribed. He gave her some stronger antibiotics that had less side effects, as well as some super strength pain killers, and strict instructions to return if things did not improve.
Then, finally, we were discharged. It was eight o'clock in the morning and neither of us had any real sleep. As I had just taken two days holiday, once I had returned Lorii home, I then had to go into work. (Or else lose two days pay) I don't think I was much use to them. But hey! It's their silly rule.
On getting home Lorii's pain was finally fading. Katie had no recollection of the night. On getting up and seeing our bed empty she had assumed that I had gone to work, and that Lorii was downstairs watching telly. She had proceeded to plug herself into the computer, which was where Lorii found her when she got in.
Jake never knew a thing.
Indeed by Tuesday evening Lorii was feeling much better and decided that she would try and catch up on her E-bay selling. I set up a mini photography studio in the dining room, to take the pictures, and Lorii got busy uploading the descriptions. The Evening flew by and before we knew it, it was one o'clock in the morning and we were both pretty pooped. However, when we went to bed Lorii started to suffer from severe chest pain. Not totally sure it was her heart she asked me to call NHS Direct. They wanted to send an ambulance. Being a mother who put her kids first she was not prepared to let them call an ambulance as it may scare them unnecessarily. So waiving their responsibility if she were to drop dead on the spot, Lorii promised to go directly to hospital under her own means; i.e. me.
I woke Katie and explained where we were going and why. Told her what to do in an emergency and got her to repeat it back to me. With strict instructions not to wake Jake unless she had too. (It was his reaction to his mum racing off to hospital that Lorii was most concerned about.) All sorted we got in the car and made the brief journey to Victoria Hospital. We parked the car, and with Lorii leaning on me heavily for support, made our way into Casualty.
We got the trainee receptionist. It really was a farce. With Lorii nearly unable to stand we were made to wait while a numpty was guided through the steps on the computer by an expert. Neither Lorii or I new whether to laugh or cry as this woman hit the wrong buttons on her computer and filled in the wrong info on the forms. Finally though we were sent through to Triage.
The Triage Nurse was very blasé. He informed us that the NHS Direct receptionist had sent through seventeen people that night, and that it was always busy when she was on duty. He then told us to go through to the waiting room and that they would call us through to do an ECG to make sure it was not a heart attack.
Our wait was very brief, and to the sound of low mutters from the other occupants of the waiting room, we were called through by a nurse. Lorii was then wired up to the ECG machine, and had her blood pressure taken too. That done we were left to wait until the doctor arrived. Lorii was very impressed with him. He gave Lorii a thorough looking over, answered loads of questions in a way she understood, and then sent her off to have her chest x-rayed, and have some blood samples taken.
The nurse who took Lorii's blood was a bit brutal, according to Lorii's expert analysis. But the x-ray really caused her to squirm! First they wheeled her bed down the corridor as she weakly protested that, "I can walk you know!" Next as she waited to enter the x-ray room a nurse quietly informed her she would have to remove her bra. You should have seen his eyebrows shoot up, and Lorii's face go red, as Lorii asked him about her piercings!
X-rays taken we were returned to Lorii's room to await the doctor with the results. When he did return it was with a small cup of indigestion medicine and the news that both Lorii's heart and lungs were fine. However he was still waiting for the blood results to come in, and he would be back with those as soon as he could.
Shortly after this Lorii was moved onto the Observation Ward. This was a bit of a giggle too as the night light for Lorii's bed did not work. Every time a nurse came to check on Lorii they had turn the wards main lights on, thus waking everybody, just to see her!
Lorii and I were both pretty tired by this point. It had been a busy day and was now around five o'clock in the morning. Lorii's chest was hurting just as bad and kept her awake, but I nodded in the chair next to her bed.
Finally the doctor returned with the blood results. They showed that she had a massive infection, but then we knew that. He concluded that Lorii's pain was most likely down to the antibiotics her GP had prescribed. He gave her some stronger antibiotics that had less side effects, as well as some super strength pain killers, and strict instructions to return if things did not improve.
Then, finally, we were discharged. It was eight o'clock in the morning and neither of us had any real sleep. As I had just taken two days holiday, once I had returned Lorii home, I then had to go into work. (Or else lose two days pay) I don't think I was much use to them. But hey! It's their silly rule.
On getting home Lorii's pain was finally fading. Katie had no recollection of the night. On getting up and seeing our bed empty she had assumed that I had gone to work, and that Lorii was downstairs watching telly. She had proceeded to plug herself into the computer, which was where Lorii found her when she got in.
Jake never knew a thing.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Well life keeps twisting and turning. Been through a bit of a scary time. Lorii is not a well bunny, proper poorly in fact.
She went to the doctors a week ago, with what she thought was a case of cystitis that would not clear up. The nurse she saw was obviously alarmed after examining her, and Lorii was kept in for the best part of an hour as the nurse alternated between treating Lorii and consulting with a doctor. Swabs were taken and questions were asked about when her last smear was. Finally she was dispatched with a prescription for some super strong antibiotics and a triple length appointment to see her doctor on the Friday. No diagnosis was offered.
So Lorii gets home and is straight on to the web. Her symptoms fit two diagnosis; Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or Cervical Cancer. Both are heavy shit. PID leaves you sterile. Cancer kills you. So we have spent the week with our hearts on our mouths wondering what the future has in store for us. Not fun.
Friday arrives and I sit in the waiting room praying that Lorii is going to come back out with a smile and a story about allergic reactions. Well I got the smile, coz she has not got cancer. PID was diagnosed though, so it looks like we'll have no more sprogs. Bit of a shitter that as we had been planing one. I'm not too sure how I feel about all this at the moment though as I'm just so glad Lorii does not have cancer. Right now she is taking so many pills I swear she should rattle. We left the chemist with so many drugs they supplied a large carrier bag. The plan now is we wait two weeks and then it is back to the doctors.
On a happier note we had the delight that is Katie's Parents Evening at school. All the teachers eulogised her wonderfully and Katie's ego is now measured in planetary terms. (I think it is somewhere between Saturn and Jupiter in size at the moment.) For some bizarre reason Katie's French teacher thinks she should go on to work in an embassy or consulate some where. Just sounds like a quick way to start a war to me. She may be good at languages but tact was never her strong point.
Jacob has turned twelve. Next stop and he is officially a teenager! Just recently he has been practising his teenager. His sulks are masterful, though the eye rolls and stamping both need work. Either way I feel he is well suited for the role and will do it well.
She went to the doctors a week ago, with what she thought was a case of cystitis that would not clear up. The nurse she saw was obviously alarmed after examining her, and Lorii was kept in for the best part of an hour as the nurse alternated between treating Lorii and consulting with a doctor. Swabs were taken and questions were asked about when her last smear was. Finally she was dispatched with a prescription for some super strong antibiotics and a triple length appointment to see her doctor on the Friday. No diagnosis was offered.
So Lorii gets home and is straight on to the web. Her symptoms fit two diagnosis; Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or Cervical Cancer. Both are heavy shit. PID leaves you sterile. Cancer kills you. So we have spent the week with our hearts on our mouths wondering what the future has in store for us. Not fun.
Friday arrives and I sit in the waiting room praying that Lorii is going to come back out with a smile and a story about allergic reactions. Well I got the smile, coz she has not got cancer. PID was diagnosed though, so it looks like we'll have no more sprogs. Bit of a shitter that as we had been planing one. I'm not too sure how I feel about all this at the moment though as I'm just so glad Lorii does not have cancer. Right now she is taking so many pills I swear she should rattle. We left the chemist with so many drugs they supplied a large carrier bag. The plan now is we wait two weeks and then it is back to the doctors.
On a happier note we had the delight that is Katie's Parents Evening at school. All the teachers eulogised her wonderfully and Katie's ego is now measured in planetary terms. (I think it is somewhere between Saturn and Jupiter in size at the moment.) For some bizarre reason Katie's French teacher thinks she should go on to work in an embassy or consulate some where. Just sounds like a quick way to start a war to me. She may be good at languages but tact was never her strong point.
Jacob has turned twelve. Next stop and he is officially a teenager! Just recently he has been practising his teenager. His sulks are masterful, though the eye rolls and stamping both need work. Either way I feel he is well suited for the role and will do it well.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Hawks & Eagles
Wow, I had an awesome day yesterday. After posting a query on a falconry forum a while back, I received an invitation to bring Katie to spend a day, to find out what it was like to be a falconer for real. The idea being that after cleaning out an owls aviary of three weeks worth of guano, of helping with the dead rats and chicks the hawks eat and then going hunting so that Katie was in at the kill, she would be put off from such a demanding sport/lifestyle.
However the day did not work out as planned. The falconer, a very friendly gentleman by the name of Richard Cooper, started by giving us a brief tour of some of his birds. I've been to zoo's with less! He has eagles, falcons, hawks, vultures and even a parrot. He does not stop at birds either. As well as the ferrets and polecats he uses when hawking he has spiders, scorpions, hedgehogs and even sugar gliders. (That's flying squirrels to you and me.)
So after the tour Katie was presented with an owl enclosure that had not been cleaned for three weeks, a bucket and a pressure washer. A girl used to emptying the litter tray for the cat, as well as cleaning out our rats, Katie made light work of this.
Next we moved on to the larder and a collection of dead rats, chicks and birds. None of which fazed Katie, even when Richard pulled off the chicks legs and cut off their toes.
The hawks were boxed and put in the van. Then Richard dealt the line that made up Katie's mind even if he did not know it, "If you are going to hunt hawks you are going to need these too." So saying he extracted two ferrets from their hutch to squeals of delight from Katie. Hawks and cute furry animals? Oh pleeeze!
We then piled into his van and made a short trip to a local farmers field to hunt bunnies. Unfortunately we did not catch any, though that was not from a lack of trying. Katie was given the job of ferret wrangler, and said creatures certainly did their part. A number of rabbits were flushed but they were all very lucky bunnies. One managed to dodge a hawk as it stooped on it head on, and another managed to run nearly the length of the field, with both hawks in hot pursuit, to dive down a hole at the last second. Our lack of success did not detract too much from the hunt though. The anticipation of not knowing what was going to surface, a sprinting rabbit or the snowy face of a ferret was quite exciting, and when a rabbit thumped and ran for it the hawks were incredible. The scenery was stunning too; the field being close to the Pennines with their snow capped fells. We also saw two wild peregrine falcons dispute the patch of sky over our heads.
Once it was clear the rabbits were not joining in our game we headed back to base. Katie was given the job of holding a Harris Hawk while it devoured half a rat. I think Richard gave her this job in lieu of seeing bunnies die in the wild. Katie just stood there grinning as the hawk dismembered the rat on her hand.
As a finale to the day Richard took his newest bird, a enormous golden eagle called Morpheus for a fly in the field in front of his home. The bird is young and provided some comedy moments with some clumsy landings. But once on the wing this bird was spectacular.
So are we going to let Katie keep a Harris hawk? That I still do not know; But she is going to call hers Binky and I'm going to call mine Canth!
However the day did not work out as planned. The falconer, a very friendly gentleman by the name of Richard Cooper, started by giving us a brief tour of some of his birds. I've been to zoo's with less! He has eagles, falcons, hawks, vultures and even a parrot. He does not stop at birds either. As well as the ferrets and polecats he uses when hawking he has spiders, scorpions, hedgehogs and even sugar gliders. (That's flying squirrels to you and me.)
So after the tour Katie was presented with an owl enclosure that had not been cleaned for three weeks, a bucket and a pressure washer. A girl used to emptying the litter tray for the cat, as well as cleaning out our rats, Katie made light work of this.
Next we moved on to the larder and a collection of dead rats, chicks and birds. None of which fazed Katie, even when Richard pulled off the chicks legs and cut off their toes.
The hawks were boxed and put in the van. Then Richard dealt the line that made up Katie's mind even if he did not know it, "If you are going to hunt hawks you are going to need these too." So saying he extracted two ferrets from their hutch to squeals of delight from Katie. Hawks and cute furry animals? Oh pleeeze!
We then piled into his van and made a short trip to a local farmers field to hunt bunnies. Unfortunately we did not catch any, though that was not from a lack of trying. Katie was given the job of ferret wrangler, and said creatures certainly did their part. A number of rabbits were flushed but they were all very lucky bunnies. One managed to dodge a hawk as it stooped on it head on, and another managed to run nearly the length of the field, with both hawks in hot pursuit, to dive down a hole at the last second. Our lack of success did not detract too much from the hunt though. The anticipation of not knowing what was going to surface, a sprinting rabbit or the snowy face of a ferret was quite exciting, and when a rabbit thumped and ran for it the hawks were incredible. The scenery was stunning too; the field being close to the Pennines with their snow capped fells. We also saw two wild peregrine falcons dispute the patch of sky over our heads.
Once it was clear the rabbits were not joining in our game we headed back to base. Katie was given the job of holding a Harris Hawk while it devoured half a rat. I think Richard gave her this job in lieu of seeing bunnies die in the wild. Katie just stood there grinning as the hawk dismembered the rat on her hand.
As a finale to the day Richard took his newest bird, a enormous golden eagle called Morpheus for a fly in the field in front of his home. The bird is young and provided some comedy moments with some clumsy landings. But once on the wing this bird was spectacular.
So are we going to let Katie keep a Harris hawk? That I still do not know; But she is going to call hers Binky and I'm going to call mine Canth!
Friday, January 27, 2006
Bean Slicer
Woohoo! I've got a bean slicer... Okay I know this makes me look sad, but I've been after one of these bad boys for years. That said... Mum, I still want yours when you die!
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Look an eagle!
Well after our recent trip to Cumbria Katie has reaffirmed her burning desire to own and fly a bird of prey. This is down in most part to Karen and her Harris Hawk, Bob. For not only did Bob give a superb display. But Karen sold Katie on the idea, that it is indeed practical to keep a hawk, in the back garden of a mid terrace in Blackpool!
So I have learnt a lot about hawks and hawking over the past week. I even joined a forum where I got a lot of very good advice; Link to Forum
The upshot of all this is a very generous gentleman has invited Katie and I to spend a day helping him with his birds, in Cumbria. He runs his own falconry and has lots of birds, including Golden Eagles, Eagle Owls, Peregrine Falcons, Buzzards and Harris Hawks to name just a few. The idea is Kate helps butcher their food, clean their mess and in the afternoon go hunting. That way Katie finds out just how much work is involved and what it is like when a cute furry bunny meets death from above.
Off topic we have had a small piece of luck. Lorii has diligently been selling all the detritus around the house that we have no room for on ebay. Just recently she got around to posting a large collection of Subbuteo. It turns out one of the teams is very rare indeed, and it has cause quite a stir amongst the officiano. Bidding has been unbelievable, and while most teams sell for around £5 or £10 this team has already reached £86 and the auction is not over!
So I have learnt a lot about hawks and hawking over the past week. I even joined a forum where I got a lot of very good advice; Link to Forum
The upshot of all this is a very generous gentleman has invited Katie and I to spend a day helping him with his birds, in Cumbria. He runs his own falconry and has lots of birds, including Golden Eagles, Eagle Owls, Peregrine Falcons, Buzzards and Harris Hawks to name just a few. The idea is Kate helps butcher their food, clean their mess and in the afternoon go hunting. That way Katie finds out just how much work is involved and what it is like when a cute furry bunny meets death from above.
Off topic we have had a small piece of luck. Lorii has diligently been selling all the detritus around the house that we have no room for on ebay. Just recently she got around to posting a large collection of Subbuteo. It turns out one of the teams is very rare indeed, and it has cause quite a stir amongst the officiano. Bidding has been unbelievable, and while most teams sell for around £5 or £10 this team has already reached £86 and the auction is not over!
Monday, January 16, 2006
I've got this cough. Just as I'm about to drop off to sleep I start hacking. :( It's 6.30 in the morning and I've not slept all night. I have to leave to work in 45 minutes and I'm feeling pretty glum. I cannot call in sick as employment laws dictate that if I don't return after paid holiday my employer does not have to pay my for the said break. And, unfortunately, my employers are tight enough to enforce the rule. Ho Hum
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Red Squirrel
Well I'm back from a fun week at Center Parc in Whinfell Forrest, Cumbria. Though it would have been better if Lorii and I were not both suffering with heavy colds.
We had lots of fun Badger watching (The real things not our dog.) squirrel spotting and flying hawks. Katie has really been bitten by the hawking bug, and is now determind to become a falconer.
I have turned forty. Thank you to all who sent me cards and presents. I am now patiently waiting for my life to begin.
We had lots of fun Badger watching (The real things not our dog.) squirrel spotting and flying hawks. Katie has really been bitten by the hawking bug, and is now determind to become a falconer.
I have turned forty. Thank you to all who sent me cards and presents. I am now patiently waiting for my life to begin.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Tomorrow never comes....
Well tomorrow is my fortieth birthday. I've been around that long? Bloody hell! Not sure how I feel about it. I didn't like turning thirty, but I've been experiencing nothing like the dread I went through in the run up to that. Perhaps that's because my life seems so sorted at the moment; Loving partner and family, stable job ect. I expect to be very busy from tomorrow so I'm not sure when I'll next post. I'll let you know how the big day went then....
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Mirror Ball
On the way home from work I noticed the Rollercoaster was all lit up, pretty unusual for this time of year. So with Jake keen to try out his new camera I took him straight back as soon as I got home. We both took pictures of the 'coaster. But this picture of the giant mirror ball has come out much better than I had expected.
Monday, January 02, 2006
This year and last...
Well here we are at the start of a new year. It seems to me that I should either start making a few more entries or quit all together. So while this is not a New Years Resolution lets see if I can improve….
So to bring things up to date;
My parents came up to visit just before Christmas. We really enjoyed their company and I hope they can do it again some time. It’s a big trip though and, what with fuel prices, it is never going to be something done very frequently. Unfortunately with Badger having a total rest order from the Vet, he had to go and stay with Lorii’s parents while my parents’ dogs were around. Shadow and Breeze had a great time on the beach, though I fell climbing the sea wall and hurt my back.
My back has been very slow to heal. The immediate bruising and stiffness cleared up as expected, but I live in fear of sneezing. Every time I sneeze it is as if someone is sticking a knife in my spine. The Doc thinks I may have bruised my Thoracic Ligaments, but said if the pain does not go in two weeks to return. Well it has been more than two weeks so I’ll be making another appointment soon.
Just before Christmas both Lorii and the kids were struck down with very heavy colds. While the kids losing the last week off school is no major drama, Lorii too ill to organise Christmas was. In the end it all got sorted, though we missed the deadline for the last post on the card front. The children, as always, got some great gifts. Jacob got a remote control Dalek, and a battery charger to ensure the intergalactic invasion does not get put on hold. He also received a digital camera, so I can see him posting lots of pictures on Flickr too. Katie got lots of cool clothes, including a Harry Potter scarf that she lives in, as well as some oriental style pyjamas that she is happy to spend all day in. Lorii was given some Channel 19 and I got OSX 10.4 for the Mac.
The New Year was seen in at the Paparazzi restaurant on Gynn Square. The food was stunning and Karaoke was laid on for afters. I embarrassed myself with a rendition of Queens ‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love’ and unfortunately there is video evidence. Lorii’s sister Mel, who was back from Australia for Christmas, led us all in a chorus of ‘Sweet Caroline’ and the video of this too is tainted with proof that I cannot hold a note in a bucket.
As I write this Lorii is accompanying Mel to the airport to return to Oz. At some point the family has got to get back into the nine to five swing again. But with my fortieth birthday and a trip to Center Parcs looming on the horizon I’m not sure when or how…
Have a happy new year everyone.
So to bring things up to date;
My parents came up to visit just before Christmas. We really enjoyed their company and I hope they can do it again some time. It’s a big trip though and, what with fuel prices, it is never going to be something done very frequently. Unfortunately with Badger having a total rest order from the Vet, he had to go and stay with Lorii’s parents while my parents’ dogs were around. Shadow and Breeze had a great time on the beach, though I fell climbing the sea wall and hurt my back.
My back has been very slow to heal. The immediate bruising and stiffness cleared up as expected, but I live in fear of sneezing. Every time I sneeze it is as if someone is sticking a knife in my spine. The Doc thinks I may have bruised my Thoracic Ligaments, but said if the pain does not go in two weeks to return. Well it has been more than two weeks so I’ll be making another appointment soon.
Just before Christmas both Lorii and the kids were struck down with very heavy colds. While the kids losing the last week off school is no major drama, Lorii too ill to organise Christmas was. In the end it all got sorted, though we missed the deadline for the last post on the card front. The children, as always, got some great gifts. Jacob got a remote control Dalek, and a battery charger to ensure the intergalactic invasion does not get put on hold. He also received a digital camera, so I can see him posting lots of pictures on Flickr too. Katie got lots of cool clothes, including a Harry Potter scarf that she lives in, as well as some oriental style pyjamas that she is happy to spend all day in. Lorii was given some Channel 19 and I got OSX 10.4 for the Mac.
The New Year was seen in at the Paparazzi restaurant on Gynn Square. The food was stunning and Karaoke was laid on for afters. I embarrassed myself with a rendition of Queens ‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love’ and unfortunately there is video evidence. Lorii’s sister Mel, who was back from Australia for Christmas, led us all in a chorus of ‘Sweet Caroline’ and the video of this too is tainted with proof that I cannot hold a note in a bucket.
As I write this Lorii is accompanying Mel to the airport to return to Oz. At some point the family has got to get back into the nine to five swing again. But with my fortieth birthday and a trip to Center Parcs looming on the horizon I’m not sure when or how…
Have a happy new year everyone.
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