Monday, December 26, 2005
Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas every one. :)
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Magic Moments PhotoBlog
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Lorii has quit from the Hotel. That in itself is a whole nightmare that does not need airing in such a public place. But the upshot is Lorii has been spending a lot of time at home.
Katie has decorated her bedroom. Well I use the term decorated in its loosest sense as, as is the want of all teenagers, she has painted her room black. Yes, even the ceiling.
Badger has hurt his knee. The vet has banned him for running, and given him some pills that make him manic! For a dog that lives to run this is pure torture, and the ban applies till mid December.
My work has been keeping me really busy, and I’m actually getting some overtime in. This helps as Lorii is not earning, but the downside is I’m giving up my Saturdays to work these hours.
Katie has secured two places for her work experience in March. She will be spending one week at Supreme, in the marketing department. Which should score her some high points at her school as it calls itself a business college. The other week Katie is spending at the local funeral home. Teenagers!
Lorii’s health has not been too clever of late. We don’t know what is wrong, and as her sugar has been under control, we don’t think it is related to her diabetes. Lorii’s temperature perception has been all over the place. One second she is freezing, the next the windows are being opened and the family shivers while Lorii sweats. Add to this some bad mood swings, joint pain, itching skin and a disrupted sleep pattern. Understandably Lorii is getting pretty down about this, I only hope it clears up soon.
I took a brief hour out to take some pictures of the Illuminations. Living in Blackpool the lights on the front are usually nothing more than an inconvenience. Thousands of tourists in cars, jamming the whole promenade for five miles and forcing the locals to use the back streets, is rarely seen as fun. I recently made the hideous mistake of forgetting about the lights when popping out to the local Sainsburys in Bispham. This is the northern start point of the lights, and Jake and I were stuck in a traffic jam so slow that it took us 20 minutes to move the one hundred yards to the car park.
If you are interested in viewing the Illuminations may I recommend you plan your visit around 10.30pm mid week away from school holidays. You’ll be able to drive from Starr Gate to Bispham without the engine overheating, or having your view blocked by a coach full of pensioners staring out of steamed up windows!
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Bush - One of the worst disasters to hit the US
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Thing bites dog!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Coke, Jake and skirts
Jake had his first day at secondary school today, Katie returns tomorrow. I took pictures of him in his new uniform, but he made me promise not to post them on the Internet. So if you want to see how debonair he looks you’ll have to ask him to change his mind.
We spent a stupid amount of our free time last week, looking for a dressmaking pattern for a pleated school skirt for Katie. None of the very reasonably priced, ready made affairs, in the shops are quite right. So Katie has bought some fabric, with the intention of making it up as she goes along. Lorii has sensibly insisted that she acquire a pattern first. But patterns seem to be very elusive things. So if anybody out there knows where one can be found…
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Lantic Bay
Once we got home we went around to Kenny’s hotel for the switching on of the Illuminations. While we got a tram there, we had to walk back. Katie’s expression in the picture lets you know what she thought of that, after climbing a mountain.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Points of Interest
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
A trip to the dentist
This morning I took her to the dentist. One look at the tooth that thought it was a volcano and he declared it was coming out. He gave Lorii five injections and sent her out to the waiting room until she was really numb. Trouble is the adrenaline in the jab makes Lorii tremble almost uncontrollably. So she had a hard time not giving a small child the heebe jeebies as he waited for his turn. Eventually a numb and nervous Lorii is called back in. When she emerged she was as white as a sheet and obviously in trouble. It turned out there was a huge abscess on the end of the tooth. So Lorii was told to sit for a while until she was over the shock of the extraction, which despite the anaesthetic still hurt her a lot.
She is now (12.30pm) tucked up in bed, full of more painkillers praying that when she awakes the worst of the pain will be gone.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
My old motorbike
It was the Queen Mothers birthday, or there about. To be a little more precise it was a Saturday evening in 1989, all my mates were away on holiday, and there was nothing on the television. Well that's not true, there was something on the TV, a Royal Variety show in honor of the Queen Mum and I was not watching that. It was a very hot August and I decided to go for a blast on my bike to cool down. I wish I'd had a beer instead.
So warm was the night that I decided against putting my leather jeans and boots on, but I did put on my leather jacket over a T-shirt as well as leather gloves and my helmet. Denim jeans and a pair of trainers covered my lower half. My second mistake.
I headed out of the village and onto the bypass with the vague notion that perhaps I could stop by and see if Nadia was home. I turned off he bypass and headed towards Frensham and Hindhead, where Nadia lived. While I blatted past the ponds on the straight bits, the bike was too long and big to do the twisty bits well. A Kawasaki GPz 1000RX it was capable of over 150mph but with over 120bhp at the back wheel it was reduced to a point and squirt machine on the narrow bendy climb up to Hindhead. On reaching Hindhead I decided against Nadia, the winding road had frustrated me and the A3 beckoned, besides I didn't want a pillion.
The A3 was much better. The engine growled at last as I was finally able to open her up and get some cool air over it and me. I roared around and down past the Devils Punch bowl towards Guildford and then really let rip when the road opened up into duel carriageway. All the cars taillights seemed to streak past in some parody of the Millennium Falcon jumping to light speed as I pushed the bike hard. At Millford I decided to turn for home. Another mistake, I should have gone on to Guildford and come back via the fast Hogs Back. Ho Hum!
The junction's gone now, but back then there were some traffic lights and a Happy Eater restaurant at a cross road. I turned left behind a car. This car was SLOW. Especially after the silly speeds I had just been doing, but I just could not get past it. Oncoming traffic and parked cars seemed to be conspiring to keep me behind this tedious driver. Suddenly I saw an opening, I dropped two gears and darted forward. Once past I flicked my headlight up to high beam to see the chevrons of a tight 90 degree bend far far too close!
What happened next is not too clear. I have some very vivid memories, but it all happened so quick and I can't remember some of the bits between some of the more exciting highlights. When I saw the sign I new I was never going to make the corner. I grabbed a big handful of front break and held it until it was time to turn. I tucked the bike in, and knew false hope, I could make this... The back wheel first let go and then gripped again. The bike bucked, and the handle bars slapped savagely.
The first of my vivid memories was the very real but odd looking image of my left thumb hard up against my left arm as the grip pushed it back.
The second was a view of the front mudguard from above. The GPz was fully faired, you can't see the front wheel from the saddle, so I must of been flying over the top of the bike.
The next thing I remember was sliding along the road on my back. I was curled up fetus fashion sliding backwards. I could see the zip on my right sleeve cuff was broken, and as I slid along my jacket was getting pulled down my back and the sleeve up my arm. This was happening very quickly but I remember worrying if I would run out of jacket and start grinding my shoulder into the asphalt.
There was a bump and I stopped sliding along the road. I relaxed. I stretched out my legs and lowered my arms. Then I hit the ground! There was a chaotic bumpy moment and then I stopped for real. I lay there dazed. My first thought was, "Well that was interesting." Next I wondered if anything was broken. I wiggled arms and legs. No pain, amazing! I sat up and looked around. I could see how I'd been fooled, I'd shot off the road over a four foot bank down into a freshly harvested cornfield.
I examined myself a bit closer. There was no skin on my right forearm, the corn stubble had flayed it off. Still no pain! Both knees were bloody messes and my right foot was missing its trainer and bleeding too. I remember thinking that it was all going to hurt soon. I became aware that the bike's engine was racing. I stood up and hopped over to it, found the kill switch and turned off my bike of the last time. It looked so sad. All bent and twisted, my pride and joy. My bike was dead!
Someone called out, "Are you all right?" I turned to see a whole row of cars pulled up on the top of the bank. I had had an audience! Now don't ask me why but I replied, "I can't find my trainer!" Suddenly that seemed the most important thing to do and I started marching around the field looking for my missing shoe. My audience joined in and the field was full of a dozen or so people looking for my trainer. I was starting to get frantic at its loss, and though I was walking around I think my audience was beginning to realise that; A, I was NOT all right. and B, I was getting worse. My trainer was found and I calmed down a lot. A kind old gentleman asked me if I wanted a ride to the hospital? Everything was okay now I had my trainer, so I said no that was not necessary but could he give me a lift to a phone box so I could call the AA?
Once in the car I discovered that the driver was the person I had overtaken before the bend. He had thought I was going to make it too and then watched in horror as the bike flicked me high into the air. At that moment he said he thought I was going to die.
We get to a phone box and I called the AA. They say they will come out only if the bike is attended. The Kind Old Gentleman says he'll take me back to the bike, so I say okay to the AA. As I hang up the phone my knees buckle as the shock I'm in starts to hit home. It dawns on me that I am going to need to go to hospital after all and I can't go back to the bike. Kind Old Gentleman sees this too, and tells me so. I decide to call my parents and ask if they will go out to the crash site and wait for the AA. The first few lines of that conversation will always be with me;
"Mum I've crashed my bike!"
"Oh my God! Are you all right?"
"No I'm not all right. I've got to go to hospital! I've lost a lot of skin, but never mind that. I need you to go to the crash site and wait for the AA."
I don't know how but I talked them into it. When they got there they found the police there with sniffer dogs looking for my body! This was because as I hung up the phone on my mother I fainted a second time, and as I slid down inside the phone box the ambulance that had been called out by some other spectator drove by on a futile mission to find and take me to the A&E department. They reported me missing and the police were called out to help search for me.
K.O.G took me to the Royal Surrey in Guildford. I spent most of the journey apologizing for causing him so much trouble and bleeding in his car. Some point along this trip I started to hurt.
We get to the hospital and K.O.G goes off looking for a wheelchair as I suddenly don't want to bend my very sore knees. He comes back with a nurse who convinces me to walk into the Emergency Unit. Once inside a Sister approaches and asks me if I'm the missing Biker from Elstead? I say yes and faint again. I'm put on a trolley and wheeled into a cubical. The world stops spinning again and the nurse I was with goes to help the guy in the next booth who is dying from a bee sting!
A very young nurse then appears and tells me she has to undress me. I manage to take my jacket off rather than have her cut it. The jeans were so shredded I let her slice them off. She must have been new to the job cause she got embarrassed once I was in the buff. She helps me into one of those backless gowns and I'm on my own again.
My next visitor was a policeman. His opening line was priceless, "Okay son, where did you nick it?"
"Nick what?"
"The bike."
"It's mine, its not stolen."
"It had a false number plate."
"No I bought it from Gordon Farleys in Ash."
"What's it's number then?"
"I'm bleeding, I hurt, I can't remember."
"Well son, I can tell you that the index number on that bike was for a red ford in Newcastle."
"So what is it?"
"WPC 365 D"
"What should it be?"
"WPC 356 D"
"Hmm, I'm lying here in shock and bleeding. I think I've broken my left wrist. My right arm has no skin on it and you are hassling me over what even I can see is probably a clerical error?"
"So what happened?"
"I fell off."
"You didn't hit anyone?"
"Were you speeding?"
"I don't think so." (As it turned out I had not been.)
"Hmm, well you will be hearing from us." (I didn't, and was not prosecuted.)
Next the doctor shows up. I explain why I think my left wrist is broken. He gets a nurse to treat my arm with anesthetic jelly and sends me to x-ray. On returning to A&E the doctor informs me that the x-ray shows no fracture. I'm given my clothes and told I can leave.
Three days later I receive a post card from the hospital asking me to come back and have a cast fitted. Seems the consultant has reviewed the junior doctors x-rays and spotted the fracture I had been suffering with for the past few days.
My right arm healed up okay, though I damaged a small nerve in my wrist and a muscle in my hand wasted away. My knees are still scared, and they didn't have to graft over the hole in my right ankle that the junior doctor missed too.
The moral of this tale? Don't fall off your bike and always wear leathers!
By the way. The number plate had been made up wrong on the day the bike was sold new. It had been missed by everyone during each sale or MOT until that day. But I've often wondered how many speeding tickets the poor bloke in Newcastle got every time the cops saw me speeding. 'Coz I never got one while I was riding that bike!
PS I got billed for the ambulance even though I didn't get a ride!
Friday, August 26, 2005
After the previous debacle of chaos from the start, the day had started well. Jacob had risen early to prepare sandwiches, though oddly he was still asking if we had to go. I had nipped around Sainsburys to buy chocolate and energy drinks, before getting home to throw the family in the car. Since last time Badger had both been sick and had dumped in the back of the car I took him on a brief walk down to the local green so he could do the necessary.
The car journey itself was reasonably uneventful. We did partake in the obligatory traffic jam on the M6. Though ours was much smaller than the southbound guys had to endure. The police had closed junction thirty three, blaming an invisible accident, and the tail back on the south bound side went on for miles.
After initially missing the entrance to the car park we finally parked up and selected our kit for the accent. Katie sensibly decided to take her coat and a woolly hat and mittens. Jacob, who feels the heat and is nearly terminally lazy, could not bear to lug anything up the mountain he did not have to. At the foot of the mountain it was warm so he elected to wear a tee shirt and a sleeveless hoodie. Naturally as the responsible adult, and the only one amongst us who had been to the top of a mountain before, I was none too impressed with this. However, cowed by the knowledge of just how much Jake would bitch and moan if made to wear more, I elected to rely on my secret weapons packed in with the food.
We set off and the kids were immediately impressed with the scenery. The path followed a white water stream, which the children found enchanting, and Jake was all for taking lots of pictures. Once we had bridged the stream for the last time we came to a stile and gate. The other side looked like sheep territory, but none were visible. So I decided to leave Badger off his leash until I saw a reason to put him on it, asking the kids to keep a look out too. This was a mistake. Ten minutes up the side of the mountain Badger startles a sheep out of some bracken and the chase is on. In that moment Badger discovered his reason for being. He is fifty percent German Shepherd Dog, fifty percent Welsh Border Collie. Which makes him one hundred percent sheep dog. He soon had a small flock pinned against a dry stone wall; at the bottom of the mountain. As shouting, “Come by boy” was not working I had to descend to where Badger was guarding his flock. Put him on a leash and start the climb again.
The path up the mountain is well travelled and those in charge have protected the area from erosion by paving it with large rocks. This removed the task of forging a new route and left us to concentrate on just how much hard work is involved in climbing up this bloody big hill. We were all soon sweating and breathing hard, and many rests were taken. But the views improved and we kept at it. The children were mightily impressed when a fighter jet, practicing low level flying, screamed through the valley below us.
Soon the altitude started to cool the air and a stiff and steady breeze started up. Jake started wishing he had brought a coat, and the hoodie he had been carrying was put back on. It soon got colder though and Jake started complaining in earnest. Time to bring out the secret weapon; a bin bag. I had Jacob take off his hoodie and with holes in appropriate places put the sack over him and his tee shirt. Once modelling the latest in PVC fashion Jake put his hoodie back on over it and declared it was a vast improvement. Shortly after this, Jake now feeling warmer again and being a perfect product of the Playstation generation, he realised just how exhausted he was, time for secret weapon number two. A can of Red Bull. Such is the power of suggestion that before his body could have even thought about digesting the drink Jake was running up the Mountain.
Eventually we made the summits. There is a chain of peaks, Hevellyn being the largest, joined by a broad ridge on which the walking was much easier than the previous climb. The wind was bitterly cold and it was now only determination not to give up that saw us press on to the tallest peak. Fellow hill walkers stared incredulously in their goretex jackets and hiking pants at the clearly insane family in jeans and tee shirts, trailing the pet dog. One offered us clothing, which we politely declined, though I was aware that if we didn’t get down soon we were soon going to be in trouble. Stones were placed on cairns. Pictures were taken, and backs were patted. Jake gave in at this point and admitted he was still really cold. So Katie gave him her jacket! So we started our decent with Jake wearing a tee shirt, a bin bag, a fleece hoodie and his sister’s jacket complaining he was cold. While Katie pranced about the mountain top in only a tee shirt on which was printed a house brick and the word ‘subtle.’
We made our way down as speedily as was safe. We quickly warmed up but now we had a new need to press on; over on the other side of the valley rain was coming. Jake the poor mite was done in and so I hung back with him, but Katie still quite hyper was all for running down after seeing a couple start bouncing down the path. Initially I refused, but once we caught up the couple having a picnic half way down, I relented and allowed her to accompany them. Apparently she beat them to the bottom!
We all beat the rain and were heartily exhausted. I had earned two new blisters on my toes, and we were all wind burnt. But I think we’ve got the bug. Though not again until we have the proper clothes.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Hill Walking
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Friday, August 12, 2005
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Been Shopping
Friday, August 05, 2005
Feeling glum...
My favourite Unreal Server was pronounced dead today. No more Pointless Mayhem. Something crashed, and the Admin had neither the cash nor the motivation to put it back up. Ho hum…
Lorii is spending the night at the Hotel. So I’m home alone. I’m feeling pretty tired, but can’t sleep. Have finished the latest book I was reading, the Algebraist by Iain M Banks. Really enjoyed it. There is a character in it called, Quercer & Janath. I’m thinking of using this as my new handle on Unreal. Does anybody have an opinion?
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005
Natures wonders...
I got this reply from my3rdcareer...
Everyone knows the rock who lives around there... not photoshop on the rock itself... I did move the rock in the picture a few... feet to get it more in position for the model.... but that was it.
So I have sent this...
Well thank you for clearing that up for me. As you may of noticed from my profile, I'm not from Utah.
Says something about Photoshop and photo editing, that it is now easier to move a large geological ediface, than get a model to take a few steps. Still, I expect the heels on those wonderful boots were killing her. };o))
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Friday, July 08, 2005
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Above is a picture of the family plus one at the Cancer Research Race for Life. Chris entered officially, Jake and his friend Rachel kept her company.
Other news I'll enter later: I now have an iPod mini, and I tried for a new job, but did not get it.
Will write more soon...
Friday, June 03, 2005
Heart workout
Katie has provided us with some drama today. It seems a couple of days ago that she thought we could do with some help tidying up. To this end she gathered the large pile of papers on the coffee table together and binned them. Now while the newspapers on the top were indeed out of date, the stack included; my insurance documents, packs from both Lorii’s and my solicitors and a cheque for over £560.00 from the insurance company. Needless to say we were not amused. Some frantic phone calls seem to have undone most of the damage. Good job I did not have my heart monitor on when that news came through. I think it would have broken it.
Monday, May 30, 2005
Life is precious
The weather has not been great all weekend. Yesterday we had really strong winds. So strong in fact that two lads won themselves Darwin awards, which is tragic for those so young. The lads, both sixteen, thought it would be a good idea to play with their dog on the promenade while huge waves thundered into the sea wall. If a ball was miss thrown I do not know, but the dog jumped the wall, and that is where this tale should end. For all the locals are aware that the death toll for people going over the wall at that very spot stood at 8 and that the last 3 were policemen trying to save a dog. But sanity was out to lunch and first one boy went over to try and rescue the dog, followed by the other lad to rescue the first. Now all 3 of them are dead and the death toll stands at 10.
My daughter and I had the unlucky privilege of witnessing the emergency services attempts to rescue the lads. Some brave soul put his life on the line and was winched below a helicopter into ferocious seas. Large crowds watched from the shore as man was winched back up and the helicopter moved inland. I was not aware then but whatever was plucked from the sea was already dead. Later my son and I went out for a bike ride. As we rode down the front we were confronted with the sight of numerous police scouring the sea with binoculars. While the off shore lifeboat searched further out to sea. Only then was I aware that somebody had lost his or her life. This morning I took both the kids and the dog for a walk on the beach. Attached to the gate to the sands were bunches of flowers, some bearing pictures of the lads when they were small. I made my kids look. Gave them the lecture. Then proceeded to enjoy a lovely walk on the open sands, where only the day before two children had died.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Yesterday I took it out for a very short spin; Just down to Gyn Square and back, to let my cycling muscles know that I planed a come back.
Today I went a little further. Down onto the Prom and along as far as Rigby Road. A round trip of 4.7 miles, which I averaged at 10.1mph. This was enough to make me sweat and leave my legs feeling a little wobbly.
The plan is to build up slowly until I’m fit enough to ride the bike to work each day. In theory though I’m already there as work is only about five miles or so.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Catching up

Well I haven’t made an entry for a while, mostly because I’ve been real busy. Lorii has had a really bad cold; bordering on flu. So I have been kept busy doing the single parent bit on top of all the ‘looking after Lorii’ stuff too.
So, to catch up: The little yellow thing called Matiz has been returned to the hire people. I have bought a red, diesel, Vauxhall Astra estate. I performed this deed at an auction, which was pretty scary. But the car seems sound and I got it for a snip at £550. The Mondeo was written off to the value of £750.
Jacob had a proper fight at school. His glasses got destroyed. But since he has not been involved in any more, I guess the school population has learnt the lesson; ‘You don’t pick on Jacob, unless you want a pounding.’ Apparently it took two dinner ladies to pull the berzerking Jacob off the lad foolish enough to try and steal his art book.
Katie has been on her first ‘camp’ with the Air Cadets. It turns out that along with being an incredibly smart kid, she is a crack shot as well. So don’t get my daughter mad. She can put a bullet in your eye at four hundred meters and talk her way out of the murder wrap!
Lorii’s sister Mel has departed for Australia. Before leaving she got hypnotised so she would not be scared of the spiders. This, it seems to me, is an idea that is contrary to survival in a country where the spiders can kill you. If it has worked or not I have not heard. However unfortunately Mel is freaking out at the large, and numerous, cockroaches! They were not covered by the hypnotherapy.
Baby Ben is home. That is his picture at the top of this entry, with his sister and grandma. Apparently after his shaky start he now weighs 12lb 6oz. That is a gain of nearly 3lbs in four weeks.
Annoyingly the stats page for Unreal has been down for a while so any claims of Rampages etcetera will not be verifiable.
Monday, May 02, 2005
Lots of pictures were taken on Mel’s new digital camera, so I can confidently promise pictures later.
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Jacob revealed!
Jacob's Blog
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
So sue me!
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Our Sun:
Burning Bush II
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Ford-Found On Roadside, Dead
We stopped and exchanged details. The bus driver decided he did not want the bumper he had just ripped from my car so I put it in the boot. Everyone was asked if they were okay, and as everyone felt fine we went on our way. As we drove home Lorii said that her neck was starting to hurt. So when I got in I’m straight on to the insurance people. They are very helpful, which seems wrong somehow, I’m sure they’ll make up for it later. Anyhow they arrange for a garage to take the car in hand on Monday and for a hire firm to deliver a car on Monday too.
Next I call the police to report the accident, they take the details and tell me to take Lorii to the hospital. Great, both our hearts sink at the prospect of a Saturday afternoon spent kicking out heels in A&E. So we gather some good reading material and head for the door. Just then a lass called Sarah calls to ask if she can walk our dog for us, which is sweet but inconvenient. So we say no, we have been involved in a traffic accident and are on our way to hospital. She says, “Oh what happened?” We say, “We were hit buy a bus.” Her reply will live with me to the day I die, as the last thing I expected was, “Was it a No.7?”
So we get to hospital who broke every record for speedy service. The only comment the nurse made, as she confirmed Lorii had whiplash, was there would soon be the entire passenger manifest in off the bus, claiming whiplash too. So now I sit here typing this Lorii is off buying drugs, and I’m awaiting a visit by the law who will probably wait until there is something good on the telly before coming round. Ho hum.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Ben II
Monday, April 11, 2005
Ben I
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Silly Buggers
Friday, April 08, 2005
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Marching to Roast
Monday, April 04, 2005
Run you Bugger!
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Burning Bush
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Friday, April 01, 2005
Being Patronised
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
All sewn up!
Fire Starter - Twisted Fire Starter
One for the ladies
Monday, March 28, 2005
North Shore
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Trompe l'oeil
Badshot Lea, Surrey, UK 1982
Friday, March 25, 2005
Hard at work...
Happy holidays...
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Working it out...
Friday, March 18, 2005
Thursday, March 17, 2005
RIP NaNook
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Click here to see the proof.
To every cloud....
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Pointless Mayhem
Sunday, February 27, 2005
The trend contines...
Handy external link.
If anybody reads this suggestions for new name will be taken in the spirit with which they are offered.
Saturday, February 26, 2005
I must be getting better...
If I keep this up I'll have to lose the handle! Still I did die more times than I killed.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Did good...
I even had a killing spree... Improvement at last.